Author of the Australian Autism Handbook, Benison O’Reilly, is concerned about a post endorsed by Pete Evans’ paleo Facebook page claiming that a “faecal” transplant has cured autism.
Years ago, I took my youngest son, then two, to see his favourite band, The Wiggles. At the time he was being treated for speech delay. While the other children sat and sang, I almost had to lasso him to the chair. We were reprimanded constantly by the usher for leaving our seats. Afterward he snatched a packet of Smarties from the snack bar. In desperation I bought them. On the train home, the Smarties scattered across the filthy floor and he lashed out when I wouldn’t let him eat them.
I realised that day something was very wrong with my beautiful little boy. A few months later he was diagnosed with autism.
At the time a radical new diet was being touted as a cure for my son’s condition. The gluten-free, casein-free (GFCF) diet involved eliminating gluten and dairy foods from your child’s diet. The theory was that these foods were broken down into proteins which crossed from ‘leaky’ intestines into the brain, mimicking the effects of opium-based drugs like morphine and heroin. In essence, turning your child with autism into spaced-out druggie. As a scientist this sounded too simplistic to me, and as a mother it made no sense at all. If my hyperactive, whirling dervish of a son was on drugs it would surely have been speed or cocaine.
I chose the traditional treatment route, early intervention. Originally diagnosed as severely developmentally-delayed, my son is now holding his own in mainstream high school. However, most people I knew attempted the GFCF diet with their child. A few reported positive effects; more abandoned it when they found it may no difference to their child’s progress. In subsequent scientific studies it’s failed to live up to the hype, but remains a popular therapy for autism and every now and again is resurrected as an autism ‘cure’ on tabloid TV.