
Holding my premature son for the very first time

Lydnsey Miller was only five-and-a-half months pregnant when she experienced some cramps after a work out. She never expected that four hours after those cramps began, she’d be watching her baby fight for every breath.

Little Ward Miles was tiny, and seriously ill. He was 15 weeks early and weighted a delicate 800 grams.

Parents Benjamin and Lyndsey Miller were distraught. “It was all a blur on one hand, yet on the other hand I remember EVERY detail, every facial expression on the nurses’ faces and every emotion I had,” Ben told Huffington Post.

They were then told their son had a bleed on the brain and wasn’t expected to live. There was nothing to be done but sit, and wait.  “The bleeds could lead to severe problems down the road,” Ben said. “And we couldn’t do anything to fix it. The doctors couldn’t do anything to fix it. It was a horrible feeling. All we could do was pray.”

Then something amazing happened. It was 6am and the distraught mum and dad were sitting, watching their son. Of that morning, Ben wrote in his journal:

While we were watching him, he turned his little head towards us, and then opened his eyes. We know he can’t see at this stage, but the fact that he opened them, and opened them so wide we had not seen before. He stared right at us. He held our gaze. Just looked right at us. Didn’t blink. I had enough time to get a photo of it. After a little while he shut his little eyes and turned his head back to the ceiling. I will never forget that moment. I feel as if he was telling us ‘I’m okay!!! Don’t give up on me!

Long before his parents ever thought they may one day take their baby home, dad Benjamin decided to make a movie as a gift to his wife Lyndsey who had been through so much. As his son became stronger, his dad kept filming him. He then turned the videos into one amazing little movie as a gift to his wife who had been through so much. The results are touching.

Benjamin writes:

This video sums up my son’s first year. He was born way too early, and the obstacles he had to overcome were really big, but not bigger than our God.

This is a story of a mother’s love for her baby.

Watch this special video where Ward Miles is held by his mother for the very first time.

Ward is now 16 months old and is in perfect health. He is trying to walk.

His parents feel truly blessed. Mum Lyndsey has now watched the video so many times her husband Benjamin jokes that she makes up half the views.

Benjamin’s Instagram account is filled with photos celebrating his son’s survival. He is now a big, beautiful boy.

Was your baby born prematurely?

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