real life

This dog refused to leave his owner's side after he suffered a six-foot fall.

Readers, meet Toby.

Toby is the adopted stray dog capturing hearts around the world after images showing his devotion and loyalty hit the internet.

The Argentinian community of Bahia Blanca was shaken when emergency services responded to an accident involving 28-year-old man, Jesus Hueche.

The man, who cracked his skull after falling six feet trimming a tree outside of his home, has Toby to thank for drawing the attention of neighbours to his injuries.

Toby watching over his master, Jesus. (Image: Twitter)

Images of the dog, a former neighbourhood stray taken in by Hueche, lying protectively across the chest of his injured owner were posted to the Bahia Blanca emergency services' Facebook page, after paramedics struggled to extricate the dog from the patient.

Epitomising a man's best friend, Toby remained by his owner's side throughout the ordeal, even trying to ride in the back of the ambulance with him. Luckily for the pair, Hueche was later discharged from hospital having suffered only minor injuries.

Listen: Sorry to all the parents of fur babies, but according to Mamamia Out loud, they’re just animals (post continues after audio...)

Speaking to an Argentinian local radio station, La Brujula @4, Hueche explained the special bond he and Toby share.

"One day we saw him on the street and adopted him, gave him love, food and is part of our family," he said. "For me he’s like a son... He goes everywhere with me and lies in my bed until my wife kicks him out."

Now if that's not love, we don't know what is.

Need a pick me up? Here are some adorable dog photos (you're welcome)...

How much does your pet mean to you, are they like a family member to you?

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