
Apparently we should all be shaving our faces now.

Image via iStock.

Welcome to the latest craze in the pursuit of youthful, wrinkle-free skin: shaving your face.

Yes, you read that correctly.

I don’t know about you but I definitely want to take a Gillette to my face now I know that it’s the secret to keeping skin young and tight. COUGH.

The process, otherwise known as dermaplaning, has been around for decades. Reportedly Cleopatra, Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor all loved a close shave. It’s now gaining traction again thanks to a former Real Housewives of New Jersey star, Caroline Manzo, who was seen doing it in an episode last season.

And if you’re wondering if we’ve reached the end of humanity… yes, we probably have.

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If you’ve suffered one too many DIY beauty disasters or are imagining a Freddy Kruger bloodbath in your bathroom, it’s probably best you go see a professional for a dermaplaning treatment.

The skincare procedure involves a professional (here’s hoping!) gently scraping your skin with a small sharp tool – not unlike a scalpel – using light, feathery strokes. The theory goes that dermaplaning exfoliates the skin and stimulates collagen production, which allows skincare products to penetrate deeper and your makeup to go on smoother. Which is why Hollywood A-Listers book themselves in prior to getting widely slammed for their fashion choices before hitting major red carpet events.


But doesn’t shaving your face make it even hairier? Well, I’m glad you asked. Contrary to everything we thought we ever knew about hair removal, shaving does not make your hair grow back thicker or darker; a US esthetician, Kerry Benjamin, has debunked this myth. She says that when you shave hair off at the base, you’re in no way changing the structure of the hair follicle, which totally makes sense now we think about it.

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One expert in such things says face shaving is the reason why guys' skin is more wrinkle-free than us ladies'. But is that really true, though? I dunno...

Regardless, you'll find plenty of dermaplaning advocates on the internet... so it must be good?


So how much does it cost? Melbourne skin clinic, Clinicalase, does Epi-planing for $120. Or if you’re keen to try it at home, beauty company Shiseido sells a three-pack facial razor for women for about $6 on Amazon. And according to, celebrity skincare guru, Kate Somerville, is a fan of Gillette Mach 3.

Time to raid your significant other/flatmate's bathroom drawer, then?

Have you ever tried dermaplaning or facial shaving?

If the idea of face shaving is a bit much, here are some anti-ageing products that don't involve a razor:


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