
Watch as two women with severe skin conditions wipe away their makeup.


It’s not often you think about what makeup can really do.

With so much talk in the media lately about women and makeup and being ‘brave’ for showing the world what you look like without it, it’s easy to forget that for people, makeup isn’t just about looking a bit prettier or appearing ten years younger.

For some women, makeup really is used for what it was intended: as a cover that allows them to live their lives with confidence and without judgement. For some women, makeup helps them to be themselves.

In these new ads for Dermablend Heavy Duty coverage, two women with severe skin conditions talk about how important it is to them to have a good quality foundation.

Cassandra Bankson has been dealing with severe acne since she was in the third grade. Cheri Lindsay has vitiligo, a skin pigmentation condition that turns large patches of her black skin white.

In the amazing videos that are fast going viral, Cassandra and Cheri both face the camera with a full face of makeup, before wiping it off with a washcloth.

Here’s Cassandra’s:

And here’s Cheri’s:

Cheri says makeup helps her because it’s “something that I could put on my face, that could help people to look through the initial shock… People could look completely through it and see like, who I was as a person… It made me a little bit more approachable.”

And after a childhood being called ‘freak of nature’ and exorcist’, Cassandra says “I used to use make up to cover up, and to hide who I was. Now I use it to express myself.”

Here’s a gallery of one of Cassandra’s massively popular YouTube videos, where she demonstrates how she uses makeup each day:


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