
Tuesday afternoon's news in under 5 minutes: 20 January.

Stuck for time? Don’t worry, we’ve collected the news from around the world for you to read in under five minutes.

1. A Danish town council has made a sexy deal with its residents.

A Danish town council has brokered a very unusual deal with residents: it will keep schools and childcare centres open as long as resident keep having sex to produce babies, Forbes reports.

The declining population and falling enrolment rates mean the council is looking to close services unless more children are produced within the next four years.

Denmark has previously tried many whacky strategies to encourage residents to have more babies, including ‘date night’ childcare and prizes for positive pregnancy tests.

More of these, please! Says Danish council.


2. Darwin to stop NT residents from buying cask wine – unless they’re driving.

The chain of bottle shops in the Northern Territory has introduced new restrictions on the sale of cask wine —  by imposing a ‘no car, no cask’ policy, ABC News reports.

The restriction, currently being trialled by liquor chain Beer Wine and Spirits in three of its stores, only allows people to buy cask wine if they have driven in their cars to the bottleshop.

The restriction is currently being trialled by liquor chain Beer Wine and Spirits in three of its stores. (Photo via ABC News)


Doctor John Boffa has criticised this approach, stating drivers will just use taxis to purchase the wine, hopping in and out outside the liquor store.

3. South Australia struggling to keep up with sexually active youth.

Sexting and underage sex is on the rise in South Australia, with young people uneducated on relevant legislation prohibiting the distribution of sexual images of minors and what constitutes underage sex.

This has led to an increase in sexting and underage sexual offences before the courts, ABC News reports.

The Law Society of South Australia has has developed a smartphone app aimed at educating youth on sexual law.

Several judges have called for the need to review the existing legislation to prevent minors engaging in consensual sex from entering the sex offenders list.

4. NSW Police Force under fire for Facebook post.

The NSW Police have posted a controversial Facebook status about domestic violence against men.

The post features an image of a man with a black eye, accompanied by text that reads: “Domestic violence does not discriminate. Last year, 1 in every 5 domestic violence assaults that NSW Police responded to involving intimate partners were for male victims.”


Many commenters have criticised the post’s message, pointing out that this year, six women have already been murdered in Australia — and of all these cases, the victim knew the perpetrator — as the Daily Telegraph reports.

Statistically, the overwhelming majority of domestic violence incidents are perpetrated against women by men.

5. Domestic terror level for police raised to high.

By ABC News

Australia’s domestic security agency has raised the national terrorism threat level for all police to high.

The threat level for police moved from medium to high for officers in New South Wales, Western Australia, Queensland, Northern Territory, ACT, Tasmania and South Australia in recognition of the danger they face as first responders.

Victoria Police said the threat level had “been heightened” but did not clarify the previous level.

Australia’s national alert level was raised to high in September last year, classifying a terrorist attack as likely but not imminent.

A version of this post originally appeared on the ABC website and has been republished with permission.

Catch up on more news in this 90-second video from the ABC:


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