
Denim jackets and style staples you should never ditch.

Paula Joye





To the denim jacket I bought circa 1999,

Where are you? I’ve been searching high and low over the past few weeks and I just can’t find you. I’ve been right through my wardrobe, I’ve pulled apart Mum’s. You’re nowhere to be found.

The truth is, I think I gave you away.

When I walked into Esprit and saw you all those years ago, I fell in love. You were stonewashed, long-sleeved and oh so versatile. I loved you with those flared baby pink Sass & Bide cords. For a year or two we were pretty tight… but then?

You went out of fashion and were pushed to the back of the back of my wardrobe in place of something less timeless like an oversized hoodie. And sometime over the past decade (obviously in a moment of delusion) I’ve passed you on – probably to my younger and more-fashionable cousin or to the op shop where some lucky bugger nabbed you for $4.50.

Last week, Paula Joye posted a pictured of her denim jacket on her website and I fell in love all over again. I wanted you back.

Paula wrote:

We all have one or two or three of these in our wardrobe or in a wardrobe at our parents house?

Denim jackets are a true style staple but as you get older the best way to wear them is unexpectedly. This week I wore one to the office.

I threw it on over a print skirt (Zara), opaques and a black sweater. It wasn’t a dressy day in the office but it was a comfy one.

Style staple. Two words I’ll endeavor to remember the next time I’m spring cleaning my wardrobe. Fashion trends come and go, but there are some things that will never go out of style.

So to my denim jacket, I’m sorry. And to the person who ended up with you, well done.

Do you have any style staples you can never throw out? What’s your take on denim jackets?





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