
When Jess ordered avocado on toast at a Melbourne cafe, she was "furious" by what she got.

A woman has vented her frustration over Melbourne’s breakfast offerings, sharing a photo of the ‘deconstructed’ avocado toast she was recently served at a Melbourne cafe.

And honestly, we don’t blame her.

For a hefty price of $18 at Kettle Black cafe, writer and radio presenter Jess McGuire was served a slice of bread, half an avocado in its skin, a slither of feta cheese, a line of kelp salt and a slice of lime.

Jess posted a photo of the next-level hipster meal on Instagram, gaining hundreds of likes and comments in a matter of hours.

“I’m not sure you guys will ever fully understand the level of annoyance I felt being handed this alleged ‘avocado toast with feta’ breakfast that cost $18 today,” Jess wrote.


“‘Pretty deconstructed, isn’t it?’ I dryly remarked to the waitress, to which she smiled enthusiastically and nodded.

“What f*cking next, being handed an avocado seed and told to farm the land and grow my own crop over several years before returning to the cafe to finally enjoy my breakfast?”

“Couldn’t even throw in the other half of the avocado for $18???” one person commented on the post.

“I’m so angry and I’m not even the person who had to eat it,” another said.

ADVERTISEMENT reached out to the cafe’s manager Tim James, who explained that the dish is one of the cafe’s most popular options.

“This is how we have served it from day dot, which is four years ago,” he told the publication. “It’s half an avo in the skin, which pays homage to the avocado and the farms.

“Then you make it yourself, and design your breakfast your own way. We have some citrus on the site and you can add whatever you like,” he added.

Right, that’s it, we’ve officially hit peak hipster.

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