
Hilarious: Comedian dad describes his actress wife's c-section.

They say pregnancy is a beautiful thing. A wonderful experience. Nobody ever says that while giving birth.

Dax Shephard has just become a dad for the second-time. This time to a lovely daughter named Delta. It would probably be safe to say that he was more traumatised during the C-section delivery than his wife, actress Kristen Bell.

Speaking on The Ellen Show, Dax didn’t hesitate to share with the audience about the intense 33 hour labour, or the fact that he spotted his wife’s intestines.

“So there’s a sheet, and then they go, ‘The baby’s here,’ and then you peek around the sheet, and they’re lifting out the baby – but then you notice your wife is completely disassembled,” he said.

Christmas just came early for this Frozen star.

“I can see inside of her. I was like, ‘It’s a girl! Your liver’s out, I think! And those are definitely intestines. And she has your eyes. Oh, my God, put her back together correctly!'” he continued.

If they decide to have another child, Dax is certain he’ll need some serious “medication” just to get through it.

We can only imagine how Kristen felt.

“After seeing this autopsy, I would rather see a school bus drive out of her vagina,” he told Ellen.

Dax also revealed where the name “Delta” came from. After deciding to name their first daughter Lincoln, a very “masculine” name the actor said, his friend texted him possible baby #2 names.

“I was reading this text out loud to Kristen. I’m like, ‘This is so funny. Steve said, ‘What if we named her Delta Force?’ And she was like, ‘Delta! Delta Bell Shepard! That’s it!’ And that’s it.”

We can confirm that Kristen’s intestines and liver are said to be firmly back in their place, as the couple enjoy their new bundle of joy.

So you want to see the full video? Right this way.

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