
David Leyonhjelm refuses to apologise for calling Angela Bishop a "bitch". Mansplains instead.

Senator David Leyonhjelm has refused to go back on his offensive remarks – insisting he wouldn’t apologise to Angela Bishop for calling her a “b*tch” while sitting across from her Wednesday morning.

After inviting the Liberal Democrats senator onto Studio Ten to discuss his “sexist” slur to the Greens’ Sarah Hanson-Young, Bishop asked the NSW man directly why he referred to her as a “bigoted b*tch” on Twitter on Friday.

“Why did you call me a b*tch?”

His delightful response was: “Because you were being one.”

Senator Leyonhjelm had first made the remark about the journalist after watching her discuss his widely-condemned suggestion to Hanson-Young that she should “stop shagging men” on Studio Ten last week.


Since then the senator has continued to defend his right to insult people without consequence “free speech”.

On Wednesday, however, it looked like he might be apologising to Bishop for his words – before quickly clarifying that he definitely was not.

“I was not guilty of misandry. I defended your right to prosecute your argument. I just took issue with the language you used. So why call me a b*tch?” Bishop asked Senator Leyonhjelm.

“Oh, right. I’m sorry you took offence at that.”

“You admit that calling her a b*tch was wrong?” Sarah Harris clarified.

“Oh, no,” he replied.

“So you are not apologising?”

“No, what I’m saying is that I’m sorry she has taken offence.”

So… not an apology at all then, really.


Watch the non-apology here. Post continues.

Video by Studio Ten

Senator Leyonhjelm continued to explain that his insults weren’t sexist and at another point in the discussion said he thought it was appropriate to call women b*tches “when they are b*tches”.

“I’m very evenhanded in my abuse. I’d call a woman — I would call a woman a b*tch, and if a man said [that], I would call him a bastard. I do not think of that as sexism.”

We discuss this issue on the latest episode of Mamamia Out Loud:


Studio Ten co-host Hugh Reminton disagreed, however, in a statement that has since gained him much praise on social media.

After Senator Leyonhjelm attempted to explain why he called Bishop bigotted (because she cut off Joe Hildebrand while explaining the term misandry) the journalist asked, “But why call her a bitch? Real men do not call women bitches.”

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