
David Koch reckons he can make you $10k in 20 days and Kochie pls, there's a clear problem.



David Koch reckons he could make you an extra $10,000 in just 20 days.

With absolutely no involvement from the Cash Cow at all.


The Sunrise host, who started his career as a financial journalist and has become somewhat of a personal finance guru, says it’s really quite simple actually.

It all comes down to three easy steps: sell, earn, and save.

You see, all you have to do is pick up a “side hustle” in your spare time, sell your unwanted clutter, and look at ways to slash your bills.

Which doesn’t seem exactly groundbreaking. I’m fairly certain that’s the basic premise of saving money and has been… forever.

But look, I’m not going to say no to an extra $500 a day. So Kochie, please, how do I make it rain money?


Well, on Kochie’s new program How To Make $10k in 20 days, which premiered on Channel 7 on Wednesday night, he challenged two very different couples to save (surprise, surprise) $10k in less than three weeks, using his tips and advice.

“Every day I talk to ordinary Aussies who tell me how hard they work for every single dollar, but a quick injection of cash would really help them out,” he said.

“Most think it’s impossible, but there is a way to get ahead and I’m looking forward to showing Australia how to do it.”


Taking up Koch’s “sprint saving” challenge were Gold Coast couple Jana and Tim, who earn a combined income of $150,000 year, and Sydney parents-of-three Rebecca and Mick who rely on $83,000 a year.

Gold Coast couple Tim and Jana are saving for their upcoming wedding. Image: Channel 7.

It was immediately clear sacrifices needed to be made.

Tim and Jana are used to spending around $300 a week eating out, but for three weeks, they decided to forgo their favourite brunch meal, Eggs Benny, for Vegemite on toast and to their utter distaste, instant coffee, at home.


They also rented out their three-bedroom house on Airbnb, picked up odd jobs and Tim sold his boat for around $5k. The couple ended up saving $10,1117 – which is incredible... if you had an old tinnie just lying around that is. We all have that, right? Okay, glad we cleared that up.

Sydney parents Rebecca and Mick want to clear their credit card debt and go on a family holiday. Image: Channel 7.

It was... unsurprisingly... a tad harder for Rebecca and Mick. After selling literally every unwanted item they own, picking up jobs via Airtasker, and buying bulk groceries to last the three weeks, the couple ended up saving $7253.


Although it didn't reach the nice and round magical number of $10k, it's an impressive amount none the less, but involved an intense regime that did not seem... sustainable.

Many viewers were also left questioning how relevant the advice was to ordinary Aussies wanting to realistically save money.




We'll just have to wait and see if next episode actually proves helpful. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

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