
David Copperfield was forced to expose the secret behind his biggest magic trick.

A legal battle has exposed the secrets behind world famous magician David Copperfield’s biggest trick.

The secrets were revealed during the three-year legal battle Copperfield currently endures with a man who claims he was left with permanent brain damage after suffering an accident during one of his Las Vegas shows.

The Daily Mail reports London-born chef Gavin Cox is suing the magician for the injuries he sustained as a participating member of one of his tricks.

The 55-year-old chef was chosen to participate in the disappearing audience illusion during a show in November 2013.

Cox then slipped and fell halfway through the stunt as he was shuffled through a poorly-lit area.

Source: Getty Images.

The attention to detail required to truly hear the case has meant that each and every aspect of the trick has been exposed to the court and consequently, the public eye.


The steps to the trick are as follows:

1. Copperfield throws 13 inflatable balls into the crowd and those who catch them become participants of the trick.

2. The chosen members are then suspended in a cage and given torches that shine out at the audience.

3. A cloth covers those within the cage so that all the audience can see are the beams from the torches' light.

4. The participants are then rushed through several secret passages that connect the cage to outside the theatre.

5. Copperfield pulls the cover to reveal the audience members are gone.

6. The audience members appear at the back of the theatre still holding the original torches.

An image of another show that used a similar box-set up. Source: Getty Images.

Cox revealed to The Daily Mail the frightening reality behind participating in the trick.

"It was like a fire alarm went off," he said. "They were saying 'Hurry! Run, run run'."

"It was total pandemonium. You don't know where you are going. It's dark. There are hands pushing you on your back."

"As I went around a corner, my feet slipped from underneath me and I hit the ground."

Cox and his wife are seeking damages from Copperfield and the MGM hotel.

Both parties have denied his claims, saying the injuries were the result of "pre-existing and/or other related medical conditions".

Watch the trailer for one of Copperfield's spine tingling Las Vegas shows. Post continues after video...

Video via

A lawyer who represents Copperfield told the publication the unmarred history of the show was evidence of its safety.

"The illusion has been performed for more than 15 years and with more than 100,000 participants.

"The history of the show speaks for itself. We deny all allegations. Unfortunately we cannot comment further due to ongoing litigation."

A trial date has been set for January 2017.

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