Dear Mamamia readers,
Today we are asking for your help.
We don’t want your $1 a day, we’re not telling you to sign yourself up for a lifetime of donations, we’re not even asking you to put your clothes in the overflowing charity bin outside Coles.
Today we want you to donate your dating advice to a worthy cause…
Here at Mamamia we are always excited when we see our email inbox for submissions overflowing with great ideas for new stories.
But reading those submissions can be a bumpy broken down truck ride of emotions.
First, you’ll be laughing so hard you spray tea out of your nose as one writer tells you about going clothes shopping with her smelly, grunting teenage son and her feeble attempts to convince him to ‘wear a little colour’.
Second, you’ll be swallowing back tears as you read a woman’s story about her sister’s battle with cancer – which doesn’t have the happy ending you were desperately hoping it would.
And then sometimes, well, just sometimes, we get sent something like this:
Dear Mamamia
My girlfriends and I are in crisis! It appears that we have all simultaneously lost our ‘touch’ when it comes to dating. We are therefore absolutely no use to each other in providing any form of constructive dating advice. I don’t know how or why this has happened – but it is diabolical!
The issue with my girlfriends has not so much been meeting guys, or even securing a second date: the downfall seems to be occurring after about the fifth date when some of the mystery appears to have warned off and it becomes evident that they are also interested. Therefore, the issue is more about HOLDING the attention rather than simply gaining the attention!
Soooooo we were therefore wondering if Mamamia could help us… Gen xx
Oh Gen. We know how you feel, we really do but we’re not eHarmony or Grindr for straight women (although admittedly, that might be kind of fun for a day at least).
And we love a good set-up as much as anyone but really? We can help you to tell your stories of woeful love and share them with the world. Oh yes. We can run a post where you reclaim your single-ness, wear it as a badge of pride and tell all the judgmental types to bugger off. Oh yes, that too.