
When 'date night' goes horribly wrong

Gauri Maini of is this week’s winner of iBlog Friday. Congratulations Gauri! Your Tina Arena Pack is in the mail.

Gauir attempts a date night with her husband. Did they really think it would go smoothly? Yes, they did.

I thought organising babysitters would be the hardest part of date night. I was wrong.

My hubby called me around noon yesterday and in quite a distracted way said he is organising dinner in the city. He didn’t know whether he would be able to come home to pick me up. He wanted a life line. So I said I would meet him in the city.

Six pm he said. So I left home a little past 5 to catch the train from Wahroonga… thought I would be late, but was at the station a little before six. My hubby tried to push his luck … asked me to meet him at the Intercontinental.

Excuse me? I said.

So he said he will pick me up. Any ho. He was stuck in traffic the “other side of the bridge”, so I offered to walk up to Bridge Street. A minute or so later, I found myself on the street…

Why do women have to wear stupid heels? In my linen red dress, I twisted my foot on the pavement and fell on the road, picked myself up and hobbled my way across the road and then stood there with my left foot raised. Very elegant, it was too.

After a few minutes I decided I shall sit on the “very clean” (not) stairs… and there I was, sitting for a good 20 minutes. Unable to get up. Unable to walk, until my hubby arrived panting… he knew by then I was nursing a sprained foot, feeling very sorry for myself.

It was good to be airlifted, hobbling, and at some point during the night, wearing my hubby's socks over the now bandaged foot to make my way to the wash room. The ice pack the waiter at the Rockpool gave me worked….


So here I am this morning, hobbling to find my way around my home. Wondering when can I walk normally again. And my heart goes out to all the people I see everyday in this world… the differently abled…. the guy who walked past, who was twisting to move forward, the guy on the wheelchair with one leg, the little girl on the street back in India… I hope there is hope. I hope there is hope. I hope there is a life for all of us that is more equal, more forgiving, more joyous.

And thank you from my heart to all those who helped, or watched, or wondered yesterday as I limped my way through dinner and after.. and the kind people who walked past me not noticing my hubby's black socks on my feet with a red dress.

Are you are mummy blogger? We want to meet you. Send us your favourite post each week by midday on Thursday at We’ll showcase your work and you could even win publication and a fab prize. This week you'll win our fabulous Tina Arena pack which includes her latest album Reset and her new book Now I Can Dance.

Honest and intimate, funny and frank, Now I Can Dance is the long-awaited memoir from the very special, much-loved singer, songwriter and pop diva, Tina Arena. Now I Can Dance is an uplifting story of love, family, laughter, determination and - of course - song.

Find more details about Australia's favourite female artist at her website.

Watch her latest video clip here.

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