
"We may have lost this battle, Spud. But we won't lose the war." AFL community farewells Danny Frawley, & more in News in 5.

1. “We may have lost this battle, Spud. But we won’t lose the war.” AFL community farewells Danny Frawley. .

The piper played ‘Oh When The Saints’ and ‘Danny Boy’ while heartbroken family, friends and fans said goodbye to Danny Frawley as he did one last lap around St Kilda’s spiritual home at Moorabbin Oval.

Around 3,000 people gathered at the ground where Frawley played 72 of his 240 games to give him one final send-off on Wednesday, following an emotional 90-minute funeral service at nearby Kingston Town Hall.

Sainters, young and old, wiped away tears as Frawley’s hearse passed slowly by the guard of honour as the sun set over the club he will forever be a part of.

Frawley’s wife Anita and daughters Chelsea, Danielle and Keeley walked behind the car that had Saints scarves hanging out the windows like many fans would on any match day, his coffin covered with a St Kilda flag.


It was a heart-achingly powerful end to a day that was to be endured after Frawley’s death in a single-car accident near Ballarat on Monday, September 9 – the day after his 56th birthday.

Dad. Son. Brother. Husband. Champion. Larrikin. Mate. Frawley was a lot of things to a lot of people, but he was universally loved by people whose lives he touched.

That much was clear when the St Kilda legend was farewelled at the funeral service where former teammates and opponents Garry Lyon, Jason Dunstall, Michael Roberts, Stewart Loewe, Wayne Campbell and Wayne Schwass were among those who spoke fondly of their dear friend.

The emotion-charged gathering was uplifting at times, funny at others, sometimes sad, sometimes downright heartbreaking.

But the love for Frawley was there throughout.

“We were just a team, we were just best friends … we just laughed and had fun,” Anita Frawley said choking back tears in a tribute video put together by renowned AFL filmmaker Peter Dickson that finished the service.

“… We would always hug for a bit too long.

“I just wish that he was here now so that I could give him one of those really awkwardly long hugs.”


Current coaches Damien Hardwick, Brett Ratten, Luke Beveridge and Alastair Clarkson, AFL chief Gillon McLachlan and past greats Jonathan Brown, Mark Ricciuto and Nicky Winmar were among the 800-strong crowd to pack the town hall.

Hollywood star and St Kilda supporter Eric Bana was also there to pay his respects.

Frawley’s former teammate Tony Lockett and Collingwood president Eddie McGuire, famous adversaries in years past, forgot old tensions and shared an embrace.

Dunstall marvelled at how Frawley, the dogged fullback who used to delight in punching him in the back of the head, became the greatest partner-in-crime he could ever have wished for in their entwined media careers.

Loewe recounted the time Frawley enlisted his help to sneak into the condemned grandstand at Moorabbin to souvenir some seats that ended in typically hilarious fashion.

Well known for his exploits on the field, then as a coach at Richmond and media personality, the larger-than-life character became a strong advocate for mental health issues when he revealed his own battle with depression.

Fellow mental health advocate Wayne Schwass delivered a powerful message on a theme that weaved through the day.

“To quote Danny ‘Manning up in the past was to suffer in silence; manning up now is to put your hand up’,” Schwass said.

“Fellas it’s OK to be in pain, it’s OK to hurt, it’s OK to be sad, but it’s no longer OK to suffer in silence.


“Even in his darkest days in recent weeks he was still championing his message that no man should ever walk alone; that you don’t have to suffer in silence and you should ask for help.

“That’s courage, that’s strength, that’s selflessness from the ultimate team man and teammate.

“We may have lost this battle, Spud. But my promise to you, Anita and your three beautiful girls is we won’t lose the war.”

Anyone needing support is urged to contact beyondblue (1800 22 4636) or Lifeline on 13 11 14.

2. NSW abortion amendment debate to continue.

Debate is set to continue on amendments to a bill decriminalising abortion in NSW, after a contentious move to ban sex-selective abortions was rejected in a late-night upper house session.

Upper house members voted 15 in favour of the amendment to 26 against on Wednesday night, preventing its passage.

The amendment, moved by Finance Minister Damien Tudehope, sought to ban terminations in which medical practitioners know, or ought reasonably to know, it’s being performed for sex selection.

It had attached a maximum six-month prison sentence for the offence.

Labor MLC and bill co-sponsor Penny Sharpe, who opposed the amendment, said there was a worldwide problem regarding sex-selective abortions but no evidence it was taking place in NSW.

Ms Sharpe cited a 2011 World Health Organisation report that found society-wide gender equity campaigns were the most effective tool to combat sex-selective abortion, adding bans “really don’t work”.


She said she was wary of any amendments that sought to place parliament between a woman seeking a termination and her doctor.

“The appropriate way forward is what’s already there,” Ms Sharpe said.

Earlier on Wednesday the upper house passed an amendment stating doctors must provide appropriate care to babies born alive after a termination.

Nationals MP Niall Blair, who introduced the amendment, said he was disappointed MPs had to codify what already existed.

He said current obligations “unquestionably” required health practitioners to treat any newborn unless it was futile, and if it was, palliative care was given.

“Many in society think that whatever is being said in this area is actually true, that there would be doctors who would allow a child that had been born just to lay there and suffer,” Mr Blair said.

In its current form, the bill would allow terminations up to 22 weeks as well as later abortions if two doctors agree.

The upper house, since it resumed debate on Tuesday, previously voted down an amendment seeking to move the trigger for further medical oversight on abortions from 22 weeks’ gestation to 20.

But the upper house agreed to an amendment moved by Liberal MP Taylor Martin to change the name of the laws from the Reproductive Health Care Reform Act 2019 to the Abortion Law Reform Act 2019.


The chamber also agreed to another amendment by Mr Blair seeking to clarify doctors’ obligations to get informed consent in circumstances where a woman lacks capacity to give it.

3. Tamil family’s day deportation reprieve.

A Tamil family detained on Christmas Island and fighting deportation has been granted a 24-hour lifeline by the Federal Court.

A hearing in Melbourne on Wednesday failed to reach a resolution in the high-profile case of Priya and Nades Murugappan and their daughters Tharunicaa, two, and Kopika, four.


Federal government plans to return the family to Sri Lanka were put on hold by a previous injunction expiring at 4pm on Wednesday, with Justice Mordy Bromberg making orders stretching until 4pm Thursday.

Barrister Angel Aleksov argued on Wednesday that Australian-born Tharunicaa was legally entitled to make a visa application when “the bar was lifted” between July and August 2017, following a determination by Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton.

That change lifted the usual limitation to apply for a visa under the Migration Act, which ordinarily deems that children of asylum seekers who arrive by boat are not entitled to refugee status.

A protection visa application was made for Tharunicaa last week, with Mr Aleksov arguing that bar should remain lifted to assess her right to stay in Australia.

But Stephen Lloyd, acting for the federal government, said the bar was only lifted temporarily and that no application was made during that time.

He conceded there was no evidence the family was notified they needed to “take advantage” of that window.

Mr Aleksov argued Tharunicaa did have a right to apply for a visa, that her matter is “still in train” and the government has no power to deport her to Sri Lanka with her family.

“It is a very serious question about whether my client has been lawfully detained,” he said.


Mr Aleksov argued the minister should be required, and in fact had a duty, to consider Tharunicaa’s claim, with the only issue being whether she was disqualified under legislation.

“It’s accepted that if the applicant has made a valid application for a visa, there is not power to remove her until it is determined,” Justice Bromberg said.

“This all turns on whether there was a power to remove … because there was a statutory process still in place”.

Mr Aleksov also argued if the family was deported, it was a “literally life or death” situation, but agreed there was no evidence before the court about their risk of serious harm in Sri Lanka.

The family had settled in the Queensland township of Biloela before being taken into detention, with Tharunicaa’s parents and sister already refused refugee status in Australia.

Tamil Refugee Council representative Aran Mylvaganam said he had spoken to Priya and Nades from Christmas Island overnight, when they relayed their jail-like conditions, surrounded by guards.

“The circle of guards have been ordered by Australian Border Force to capture every moment of their stay there on video,” he told AAP on Wednesday .

“It is creating some sort of fear.”

Justice Bromberg is expected to deliver his decision on Thursday at 2.15pm on whether the matter proceeds to a “full and final” hearing and whether the family remains in Australia until that time.

4. Man in court over abuse at NSW swimming school.


The son of Ian Thorpe’s former swimming coach has been charged with grooming and sexually assaulting two boys at a southwest Sydney pool two decades ago.

Police received reports in August that two boys had been assaulted between 1997 and 2001, when they were aged between 11 and 16, at the now-closed Doug Frost Swim School in Padstow.

Paul Douglas Frost, son of Doug Frost, was arrested at his Sylvania home on Wednesday and charged with 10 offences including aggravated sexual assault of a child under 16 and aggravated indecent assault of a child under 16.


Police allege the 43-year-old was the boys’ swimming coach at the time he committed the assaults.

Frost allegedly touched the victims both over and under their swimming costumes during training, and allegedly incited them to commit indecent acts upon him on several occasions.

Frost did not apply for bail on Wednesday in Sutherland Local Court and it was formally refused.

He is due to return to court on September 26.

Police say the investigation into grooming and abuse at the school is ongoing.

5. UK wants Australian free trade deal after Brexit.


If Brexit ever happens, the United Kingdom expects to get a free trade deal done with Australia within months.

The deal is expected to open the door to Australian agricultural products, which have faced barriers to the UK market for decades due to European Union tariffs.

UK International Trade Secretary Liz Truss met with Australian Trade Minister Simon Birmingham in Canberra on Wednesday to prepare for the deal.

“We’re confident that these negotiations won’t drag on at all,” Senator Birmingham told reporters.

When asked about a time frame, Ms Truss replied: “I would definitely say months rather than years.”

The UK is committed to leaving the EU through Brexit on October 31, although there are significant problems getting out of the customs union.

Ms Truss said once the UK gets out of the EU it will chase trade deals with Australia, New Zealand, Japan and the US, as well as potentially joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

“This is the first time in 45 years that the UK has an independent trade policy,” she told reporters.

“One of the issues we have faced is increased regulatory harmonisation driven by the European Union which has prevented us from being able to strike these deals and be able to work with other partners around the world.”


Senator Birmingham said a deal with the UK would open up options for Australian farmers.

“It is no secret that as part of the EU market, access in terms of agricultural products has been limited,” he said.

“We stand absolutely ready to work with the UK as soon as they are ready to do so, as quickly as they are able to do so to pursue a free trade agreement.”

The UK is Australia’s eighth-largest two-way trade partner. Ms Truss also flagged potential changes to visas between the two countries.

“Australians want to come and live and work in Britain and Brits want to come and live and work in Australia,” she said.

“It’s certainly something we’ll be looking at as part of our negotiations.”

Senator Birmingham said free trade deals sealed over the past six years had lifted exports, created jobs, and buoyed Australia’s economy during uncertain times.

With less than seven weeks until Britain is due to leave the EU, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has yet to reach an agreement with Brussels on how to manage the separation between the world’s fifth-largest economy and its biggest trading partner.

He is hoping a Brexit deal can be clinched at an EU summit on October 17-18, but in any case has promised to take the nation out of the bloc on October 31, deal or no deal.

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