The other day I went to the beach with some friends and I saw something that I have to talk about.
There was a group of young boys and girls. If I had to take a guess at their age I’d say early high school. Maybe year 7 or 8.
There was a little bit of awkward flirting going on and it was kind of cute.
Then the girls brought out the tanning oil. And started lathering it on.
And it hit me harder than I thought it would.
To be fair, I’ve only just started using sunscreen and being more sun-safe. I used to be the girl that would go out for the whole day in the sun with not a scrap of sunscreen on my body. Nada. I’d burn (maybe) but the red would disappear almost instantly and I’d tan straight away.
I love being in the sun and going for a swim when I feel some sweat coming on. I love spending the day with my friends at the beach. But I was always slack with sunscreen. As in, I never applied it. I would flat out refuse to.