
We try the straightening brush everyone's talking about - and yeah, it works.

Image: Say hello to Dafni.

I haven’t been bothered to straighten my hair in years, for two reasons. (1) I’ve grown to love my natural waves, and (2) I’d rather hit snooze three more times than dedicate a precious chunk of my morning to ironing them out. The only thing I ever straighten these days is my fringe.

However, my interest in hair straightening was reignited when I saw a new tool being advertised in the lead up to Christmas. The ad featured a model turning her hair stick-straight by simply running a chunky brush through it, Marcia Brady-style. Wizardry!

This magical styler was the Dafni hair straightener, and it seems everyone is talking about them. Understandably so — who wouldn’t want to knock out their straightening and de-knotting processes in one stroke?

Curiosity got the best of me so I decided to give the brush a try. Here’s how it all went down. (Post continues after video.)

Note: This was done quite speedily and not in front of a mirror, so the result is not as neat or straight as it could be. I definitely missed a few spots.

So does it work?

Despite my initial hair-melting fears, I was impressed by how quick and efficient the Dafni tool was. It took only minutes to brush out my waves and I didn’t need to go over sections many times. The end result was soft and smooth (just ask my colleagues, who kept touching it). That said, my hair is quite fine and short, so it doesn’t usually put up much of a fight.

It took just minutes to go from this to this. (Yes, I'm aware I missed a spot.)


I can't say how well it works on other hair types, but my colleague Jila volunteered her very curly, thick, difficult-to-straighten hair to the cause and was surprised with how the Dafni brush fared. It'd take a lot more time to completely straighten Jila's hair than it would mine but even a once-over on her top layers made a noticeable difference.

What's it like to use?

The process is just as simple as it is for any other straightener, with the added bonus of not having to juggle it with your comb. For the best results your hair needs to be right up in the bristles so it access the heating pad, and you need to pull it through slowly. You're advised to use it on "dry, brushed" hair only, so if you're worried about hitting snags that probably won't happen if you do what you're told.

If you've ever experienced the dreaded straightener burn, rest assured there are protective barriers to save your fingers from the brush's heat. Seriously, it's impossible to sandwich-press your earlobes with this one. The temperature is non-adjustable and sits at a constant 185 degrees Celsius — the optimum for heat styling. 

The Dafni hair straightener can be purchased from Shaver Shop and retails at $299.

Have you tried this straightening brush? What did you think?

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