The ‘Dadchelor’ party involves beer and nappies. More beer than nappies. And maybe strippers. Are you ready for it?
Dads are sick of it. Sick of all the attention women get for being pregnant. And they are doing something about it.
In the US, 1 in 5 men are having Man Showers. You know, Dadchelor parties. Basically, parties to celebrate that they are no longer going to be a care-free man, but a 3am-night-feed-Dad.
The Bump says “your guy’s life is changing just as much as yours is, so it’s not just an excuse for a little guy time, it’s also a celebration in anticipation of the new baby.”
Fair enough. I mean, although I do agree with celebrities like Mila Kunis that really it is the woman who is pregnant, far too often Dad gets left out.
Now, before you get cranky and tell me Dad's deserve a little party time too, let me tell you what happens at these Man Showers.
"Think of it like a bachelor party, part two," The Bump says. "These celebrations can be huge blowouts - a trip to Vegas or Mexico - or a simple fishing or golf trip, barbecue or cigar party. It all depends on the guy. We’ve heard the festivities can include a baby bottle beer-drinking contest, or even better, the dad-to-be buys a keg and each guy who attends brings his “entry fee” - a pack of nappies - in order to partake."
Nothing says "Congrats, you're having a baby!" than a keg, strippers and a hang over.
In stark contrast, the baby showers I've been to have had no strippers, keg or hang overs. Instead they have that baby shower game where you have to lick and smell chocolate in a nappy which looks like poo. And the prize? No, it is not a bottle of champers. Or a keg. Or Ryan Gosling shirtless. It's an immediate aversion to chocolate.