
"For my 30th birthday, I wish for 30 more years."

Image: Katharine and her husband (supplied)

At 16 I was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis, a life-threatening genetic disease that affects the lungs and digestive system. Even 13 years later I’m still a long way from fully dealing with what it means to have this disease, and the implications it has on my future.

Right now, my life looks like many other 29 year olds’. I have a wonderful husband, fabulous family and friends, and a job that I love. But unlike most people my age, I have to do time-consuming daily treatments, spend countless hours at the hospital, and worry about what my future looks like.

When I was born in 1984, the life expectancy of someone with CF was just 25 – on September 26th I’ll turn 30! And I can’t wait to celebrate the many things this wonderful life has allowed me to do.

But I’m not finished yet. 30 years isn’t enough.

So this year, my birthday wish is for 30 more.

For 30 more years of…

dates with my husband…

books to devour…

successes in my career…

vacations to places near and far…

holidays with my family…

meals to enjoy…

drinks with my girlfriends…

For more life. Things big and small. For ALL people with CF.

I truly believe that with support from people like you, we can find a cure so that everyone with cystic fibrosis can live a long and full life.

Katharine during a hospital stay


Here’s where I need your help. I want to kick off the next 30 years in the best way I know how: by raising as much money as I can for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and their life-saving research. To support this effort, I’ve created a campaign on Fundly that I’m calling For 30 More. While I’ve never done anything like this before — admittedly, I have a hard time asking for people’s help — I have a BIG goal in mind: $15,000.

Your donation to support For 30 More would mean the world to me, and no amount is too small. Even if it’s just giving up your morning coffee this week – every bit counts in making a difference for those of us living with CF.

In Australia, there are 3000 people living with cystic fibrosis, and one in 25 people are carriers of the CF gene. They are mums, dads, sisters, brothers, daughters, sons, husbands, wives, friends and co-workers who struggle every day just to breathe.

Advances continue to be made in finding a cure, but your help is needed now – more than ever – to help keep up the momentum. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for joining me in this fight.

This post originally appeared on Katharine's blog, From A To Pink.

To donate to Katharine's For 30 More campaign, visit her Fundly profile here. Locally, you can also donate to Cystic Fibrosis Australia here.

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