
Your daily dose of adorable: 2-year-old and piglet play together.

Tiny human and tiny animal show us what true friendship means.

Time for some happy news. In further proof that animal/baby relationships cause the world to melt down into a collective ‘awww’, here’s 2-year-old, Libby and her pet piglet, Pearl, just hanging out, enjoying each other’s company.


YouTube user, Live Sweet has uploaded the videos which have nearly 100,000 views each. The pics from the Live Sweet instagram account and vids, which were posted by Libby’s mum Lindsay Bonnice, have gone viral and it’s no surprise to see why.

Read more: This. This is what having a baby is REALLY like.

Bonnice spoke to the Huffington Post saying, “Libby hangs out by her pen when she’s not out and talks to her, and when she is out she always has to know where she is by calling ‘Pearl Pearl where are you?’ It’s pretty much the cutest thing ever!”

“Libby has been obsessed with pigs for about six months now, always wanting to see pictures of them and watch videos on our phones,” Bonnice said, adding, “So, after lots of research and hearing wonderful things about these sweet guys we decided that adding a pig to our family would be great.”


And if you need a bit more…


And even more…. (the cute is almost unbearable).


Too much. Too much.


Okay. Now let’s compose ourselves and get on with our days.

Just kidding. Here are a few more still shots.

What’s this? Free stuff? Yep! HP are giving stuff away to our readers. Boooyah. If you enter our HP competition you can set your kids’ rooms up to learn from a happy place. They’ve got x2 HP Stream Notebooks, x2 HP Stream Tablets & a HP Printer up for grabs. Enter the competition. Do it. It’s HERE. and HERE. And HERE (third time’s a charm). Do it. Good luck. Go forth into your happy place.

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