
CTP is all the same, right? Um, no. This is why.






Compulsory Third Party insurance must be the ultimate ‘grudge purchase.

It costs hundreds of dollars and there seems to be nothing to show for it.

No one wants to look at the paperwork, you can’t wear it to a party, and it’s pretty much the same as everyone else’s.

Just as an FYI, this is an advertorial for Suncorp Insurance.

It’s not like you even have a choice as to whether you buy CTP insurance or not. If you register a car, you have to have it.

It might not feel like it, but it’s a very good thing CTP is part of our motoring landscape. It’s the unselfish insurance – the one that protects us all from dumb things drivers can do.

So the question is, does it really matter which company you choose as your CTP insurer?

The answer is yes, actually it does.

Sure the cost of CTP is the much of a muchness across the board, and the level of basic coverage is the same; but some companies offer additional cover that can make a big difference to you and your family.

That additional coverage is worth considering – and comparing.

Suncorp CTP Insurance, for example, offers Driver Protection Cover for those people with a standard car, station wagon or ute and who are 25 years or older. $1,000,000 if you’re the driver at fault and $2,000,000 if you’re the driver at fault and comprehensively insured with Suncorp Insurance.


This means if you’re in the horrible position of causing an accident and another person is injured or even dies, not only are they or their family compensated, you as the driver at fault will be entitled to claim.

It’s the kind of thing no one likes to think about, but having that kind of coverage can make a bad situation infinitely more bearable.

And it’s the small print you need to read. Although a number of CTP insurers offer Driver Protection, the benefit can be a fraction of the Suncorp CTP Insurance benefit.

That can be the difference between just getting by and having a life.

So when it’s time to tick the box on your CTP Insurance, take a few minutes rather than a couple of seconds.

That seemingly little choice could a big difference to you and your family.


Suncorp CTP Insurance is dedicated to protecting your loved ones by providing compensation to other people injured in an accident, where you’re the at-fault driver. To find out more, visit

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