
This CrossFit engagement shoot proves love is sweet... and occasionally very, very sweaty.

Images courtesy of Cricket’s Photography.

If all engagement shoots were an accurate reflection of the couple involved, you could safely assume the lovers of the world spend their time holding hands by a weathered barn door in the middle of a wheat field. It’s cute, yes… but not entirely realistic.

For Florida couple Iliana and Joe’s engagement shots, a wheat field wasn’t quite the right setting. Instead, they decided on a location with more significance: their local CrossFit gym, where they spend a lot of time together.

RELATED: 19 people on what their wedding night was really like.

For the uninitiated, CrossFit refers to a workout movement that involves weights, interval training, rope climbing and other high intensity moves. It’s pretty hardcore.

So yeah, a CrossFit gym mightn’t sound like a particularly romantic setting to your mind, but this photo shoot is incredibly lovely (although your muscles will probably hurt just looking at it). (Post continues after gallery.)

“When I was talking to Joe about where they want to do the session he said, ‘I know it’s kinda crazy, but Iliana mentioned maybe doing some photos in our CrossFit gym since we love working out there together’,” photographer Cricket Whitman tells The Glow.

“I loved the idea so much we spent half the session doing those photos.”

RELATED: The rise of the competitive workout.


Like many engagement shoots, there are plenty of kisses, hand-holding, an ‘I said yes!’ sign and a close-up of the ring to be seen… but there’s also a lot of sheer strength and agility on show. I mean, look at this — kissing can be tricky enough when you’re not in the midst of a one-handed handstand, right?

Now that's love... and strength.


They make it look so easy.

Many of the positions featured were inspired by photos Iliana saw on Pinterest, but a lot of the poses were conjured up on the fly.

"It wasn't about showing off what they can do, but really about them as a couple ... I'm sure they were both worn out — I was worn out just watching them get into the moves," Whitman says.

RELATED: 5 childhood games that make a seriously good (and fun) workout.

The photos are also solid proof that love and commitment is all about supporting your partner... and their body weight, if you can manage it. We wish Iliana and Joe all the best with their marriage: may there be many more upside-down kisses ahead.

This isn't the first CrossFit romance that's made headlines — last year, a video of a CrossFit enthusiast popping the question during class was almost enough to make us want to do a celebratory burpee. Almost being the operative word here.

Did you take a unique approach to your engagement photoshoot?

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