
People share the creepiest thing that's happened to them while driving.

It’s a common trope in horror movies and urban legends. The lone female driver, a deserted road, then suddenly… THERE’S SOMEONE IN THE REARVIEW MIRROR!

Thankfully, that plotline tends to be confined to the silver screen, but just ask and you’ll soon discover most people have a rather unnerving tale about something that happened behind the wheel.

(Just last week there was that rather befuddling viral selfie, which also captured a ghostly figure out the rear window.)

NO. Just no. Image via Facebook.

We put the call out to the Mamamia family for their creepy car-related stories, and what we got back was, well, enough to have us cautiously checking the backseat.

"My mother-in-law pulled over late one night for a nap because she was afraid she was falling asleep at the wheel," said Tegan. "She had a really vivid dream of her dead brother shaking her, saying, 'Wake up sis, wake up sis! You have to go.' And so she woke up, drove off and then SECONDS later, a semi-trailer came around the corner and ran off the side of the road where she’d pulled her car in for the nap."

A palliative care nurse shares some of her eerie encounters. (Post continues after podcast.)

"I was followed home once while driving. The guy tailed me for about 3km until I pulled some Fast and Furious moves down a few side streets and lost him. I pulled over and turned my headlights off. Then I saw him slow down and look down the street, but luckily he didn't see me and drove off. So creepy." - Noosh.


"One time I was driving to a new job in Orange (roughly 30 mins from Bathurst in NSW), doing about 110km/h, when a crowbar came flying off the back of the ute in front me. It smashed into the bonnet of my car and narrowly missed hitting my windshield. I quit that job four days later." - Keryn.

creepy driving stories
Image: Paramount Pictures.

"I was driving at night and felt things crawling all over me, looked down and was covered in 20-30 or so baby Huntsman spiders. Turns out someone had left some wood in the boot and there was a Huntsman nest in amongst it." - Christopher.


"I don't believe in aliens, but I was air-tracked by a yellow, bright light (well before drones were on the internet) while driving home from a late shift on a country road in Mackay, QLD. It came from high in the sky, like a helicopter, but there was no sound - it made my hairs stand on end. I saw the light strobing on and off from some kind of aircraft a long way away, and suddenly it was on top of me. There were no street lights around. I was flanked by nothing but sugar cane fields. It felt like it stayed on me forever and I have no memory of it leaving." - Taylor.

"When we were little my sister spent the entire day telling her preschool teachers I’d been in a car accident. When my mum picked her up the teachers were obviously concerned and asked if I was okay. Mum replied, 'No, Tegan’s okay. She’s not been in an accident.' Meanwhile, I was being picked up from school by Mum’s best friend and we were in a car accident on the way home." - Tegan.

"My sister's friend had a guy pull a gun on her (on Sydney's northern beaches) because he couldn't overtake her. She called the police and they told her to drive straight to the station." - Shann.

"Driving to work, looked over and a guy is, umm, enjoying himself with a men's mag... Definitely the creepiest thing I've seen while driving." - Emma.

Go on. You definitely have a story of your own. Share it with us in the comments below.

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