Every generation thinks that they are the first ones to discover unique ways to lose weight. As I am about to demonstrate, this is simply untrue. In fact, your mother and her mother before her, were probably all participating in some kind of crazy fitness fad in their day.
It would also appear, that as much as things have changed, they’ve stayed the same. Perhaps we’ve swapped the ‘Vibration machine for the ‘Ab Swing Pro’ and the ‘Thin Thighs in 30 days’ regime for the 5:2 diet, but the one thing that remains static is that we are trying to discover rapid ways to lose weight. Preferably with little effort.
Now clearly there is no time limit on these fads, as evidenced by this advertisement from 1907
But we don’t even have to go as far back as the early 1900s to find crazy diets, bogus exercise regimes and bizarre apparatus’. We only need to cast our gaze back a couple of decades.
Look, I’m not quite sure where to start with the above advertisement from 1972. Actually yes I do, I’ll start with the Sauna Pants. Because at least I can almost see the logic in those. Almost. Who doesn’t want to don a plastic suit and then proceed to get so hot that they literally sweat the fat out of themselves? No one that I know.
Then maybe we can work our way up to the ‘inflatable exercise ‘Air Jeans’. And no, I can’t see the difference between those and the ‘Air Shorts’ either, but let’s for arguments sake assume the jeans somehow inflate to the ankles. I’m not going to pretend to understand how by ‘gently massaging’ your inner thighs these "pants" made people lose weight.