
Courtney Herron was killed on Saturday. Then a guide to targeting women resurfaced online.


“Woolworths Melbourne Central (Metro) and the Professors Walk Cafe at the University of Melbourne (during university semesters) are the best day-game venues in the Melbourne CBD.”

“This is because of the consistent high turnover rate (and hence quantity) of solo girls 5/10 and above and the logistical setup making it very easy and natural to open/approach girls.

“We know game is a numbers game and hence these venues allow you to approach a large quantity of girls in a short amount of time.”

This creepy, cringe-worthy and downright offensive paragraph is the introduction to a guide.

A guide to targeting women in the city of Melbourne.

Yes, you read that correctly.

Women and violence the hidden numbers. Post continues after video.

Video by MMC

A man known as ‘sonderho’ posted the delightful datasheet on a forum in 2017.

It includes words like “targets” and “jailbait” and discusses the differences between “daygame and nightgame.”


It’s resurfaced now in 2019, and we’re looking at it in a whole new light.

In the past 12 months – four women have been murdered on the streets of Melbourne.

Last weekend, Courtney Herron was bashed to death in a park she’d been sleeping rough in.

Next month marks 12 months since 24-year-old comedian, Eurydice Dixon, was murdered 900 metres from her home.

In January this year, 21-year-old foreign exchange student, Aiia Maasarwe, was murdered after stepping off a Route 86 tram.

And in April, 32-year-old Natalie Angok was found dead in Chinatown.

“Violence against women is absolutely about men’s behaviour, it’s not about women’s behaviour,” Assistant Commissioner Luke Cornelius told a media conference after the most recent discovery – the body of 25-year-old Herron.

“Every time I hear about a woman being attacked – for me as a man – it gives me some pause for reflection about what it is in our community that makes men think it’s OK to attack women, or take what they want from women,” he said, The Age reports.

Eurydice, Aiia, Natalie and Courtney were all murdered on Melbourne parks and streets in the past 12 months. Image: Supplied.

"We need to reflect on our own behaviour, the behaviour of men known to us. We need to reflect on what we say to our sons, about whether they’re respecting their playmates in the playground, or respecting women in the early days when they’re looking to embark on relationships with women.

"We as a society need to take an opportunity to reflect on how men view women in our community, and... tragedies where women have been attacked and suffered harm at the hands of men."

No, we aren't lumping 'sonderho' in with the murderers that took those four women's lives.

But his behaviour is exactly what Assistant Commissioner Cornelius is referring to.

The anonymous poster, who identifies in his profile as a New Zealander living in Australia, gives a breakdown of women's attractiveness in particular areas, and then proceeds to outline the best way to approach said women.


But his advice is not worded in a respectful "here's how to meet women" kind of way.

It's predatory and crude.

"If you want to camp out and wait for targets to appear, I have found the coffee section experiences heavy traffic flow during peak periods," he writes about Woolworths.


This is the poster's 'Melbourne CBD Daygame flowchart.' Image: roosh.

"Spontaneous approach is very important here and you might find poor quality in the normal study spots but hot girls randomly appear on the numerous seating areas outside," he says of the University Architecture Library.

"Do a quick walk around the area but approachable quantity is generally quite poor. I'd only come here for a bit of variety," is his evaluation of Big W.

He ends his 2000 word essay with possibly the creepiest of comments, a quote by Arnold Schwarzenegger.

"What I had more than anyone else was drive. I was hungrier than anybody. I wanted it so badly it hurt."

The post, on Roosh V, has been replied to a few dozen times.

Descending into the comments is even more depressing than the guide itself.

Luke cornelius
"We as a society need to take an opportunity to reflect on how men view women in our community," said Victoria Police assistant commissioner Luke Cornelius. Image: James Ross/Getty.

It includes men agreeing with the original poster and adding new tips about it being "hard to get above a 7" in the shopping centres, and advice about hotels with connected bars being good for "girls that are slutty".

"My daygame tip is Chadstone, Southland Melb central on a Tuesday. No men around," writes one man called 'chubby chaser'.

"Never hesitate if you see something that you like out in the wild," says a poster called 'bootyhuntah' as he recalls times he's had other men "swoop his target right before his approach in a daygame".

If this is how men are still talking about women in 2019, that's bloody terrifying.

Referring to women as prey, and 'things' to hunt. Where women at the centre of the 'game' aren't even a real consideration.

If this is how men are talking about women in Melbourne, violence against women is definitely about men's behaviour.

It's behaviour that starts with women being talked about as prizes to claim and not as human beings worthy of respect.

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