Free passes are a thing. A big thing.
No, not celebrity free passes, which are for all those times Ryan Gosling declares his undying love for you, or Scarlett Johansson is infatuated with your boyfriend.
Free passes to cheat with anyone are apparently a thing.
18% of of the 1,000 men and women surveyed by OnePulse in London would willingly allow their partner to sleep with someone else.
7% would actually suggest it.
(Which would be welcomed by 21% of participants, who would happily use the opportunity to get their rocks off with someone else.)
This survey shows two things:
First off, it shows how important sex really is in a relationship.
‘Permission’ to cheat aside, the survey found 30% of married people would break up with their partner if they no longer wanted to sleep with that person. 42% of those in relationships (but not married) would do the same thing.
Second off, the survey shows how delusional idealistic our minds can be.
The key here is the ‘permission’. As if, by allowing our partner to have “sexual relations with that woman”, we are still in control of the situation.