real life

A couple's fight in the middle of an airport just went viral and we have a new hero.

We all know that eavesdropping isn’t exactly… polite. And neither is broadcasting that eavesdropped conversation to the entire world via social media.

But sometimes, just sometimes, we can learn some pretty interesting things when given this glimpse into the lives of strangers.

Plus, it’s the holiday season and we all need a little extra boost in staying entertained and happy, right?

One woman in the US is going viral after she live-tweeted an argument she overheard between a couple while waiting for a flight in the airport.

LISTEN: Does your relationship pass the loaf of bread test? It involves crusts…. Post continues after audio.

Kimber Dowsett, who goes by the username @mzbat on Twitter, began documenting the conversation of the two strangers when they began arguing about finances.

While most couples will tell you that a fight about finances is nothing unusual, this fight was a little different. You see, the boyfriend wasn’t too happy that his girlfriend had been offered a promotion that would see her earning more money than him.


Yes, this is apparently still a thing that men are worried about, Kimber.

Things went from bad to worse when the woman started crying as the boyfriend urged her to turn down the job “for the sake of their relationship”. He then told her that she should instead focus on getting married and having kids because… well, because apparently he got stuck in a time machine and thinks this is the year 1954.



But it was that comment that sparked a change in the girlfriend, and alas, a new hero was born.


This… this is getting really, really good.


Kimber then offered a message of support to the woman she named “Brave Airport Lady”:


The tale was read by thousands of Twitter users, and many agreed that the woman had made a wise choice in walking away from her boyfriend.

“He has obvious, serious control issues… Good thing she got away,” one user wrote.

“She can have a way better life waiting for her!” said another.

A promotion and dumping your controlling partner? What a way to start 2018.

LISTEN to the latest episode of Mamamia Out Loud:

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