1. 95-year-old aged care resident becomes Australia’s second coronavirus-related death.
A 95-year-old woman has been confirmed as the second Australian to die from coronavirus.
The woman, who died in hospital on Tuesday night, was a resident at the BaptistCare Dorothy Henderson Lodge in Macquarie Park.
An aged care worker who worked at the facility has been officially diagnosed with the virus, exposing at-risk elderly residents at a residents home in north Sydney.
The woman, in her 50s, is the third person to be infected via human-to-human transmission in Australia, NSW health authorities confirmed. All three are in Sydney.
The aged care worker became ill on February 24 and was isolated, although she had contact with 13 residents in the 24 hours beforehand.
Two of them reported respiratory symptoms, and one – a 95-year-old woman – has since died.
“[NSW] Health is looking at how we can step up some of the testing that goes on with some of the people who present with respiratory symptoms that in the normal course may not have been considered for coronavirus testing.”
A second person has died of coronavirus in Australia. The 95-year-old had been under the care of an infected aged-care worker who was also caring for other patients. #9News pic.twitter.com/O5BFGslkOT
— Nasrullah Khan (@Peaceforiok) March 4, 2020