The nappy commercial that has parents divided. What do you think?
Can a nappy ad ever be provocative? That’s what some parent groups are saying about this French Huggies ad showcasing their new ‘denim’ nappy range.
The kids in the commercial have been put in poses that mirror high fashion ads and Huggies probably thought it would be funny.
Some parents are laughing, others are not.
One father who spotted a billboard of the Huggies advertisment was horrified. He told Vocativ, “Look how the diaper model is standing in the same position, with the same tempting look."
But others say that if you think these ads are provocative, that's your problem. As a writer for website Mommyish writes: "I never understand how people look at images of children and think they’re 'provocative.' If you look at these images of kids in denim diapers and see 'sexy,' I’m not sure what to say."
Now some parents are calling for a boycott, taking to Twitter to label the ads pornographic. Huggies has come out in defence of the campaign, stating that they are “nothing but a celebration of color and fun.”
What do you think? Are these ads provocative or are they just funny?
Watch the full ad here.