
Constance Hall's moving tribute to her new partner.

Constance Hall has posted a tribute to her new partner, Denim Cooke, on Instagram.

Hall, who has been dating Cooke for the past couple of months, thanked him for “cutting through” her anxiety and “reaching her”.

The popular blogger said that she has been extremely stressed lately and she’s been having trouble sleeping.

“Denim has been my rock,” she wrote.

She said being a surfer, Denim falls asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow, but he wakes up every hour to check on her.

“He makes me put my phone down, he puts his arms around me, rubs my back and despite being exhausted asks [me] to take deep breaths with him,” she wrote.

“He cuts through my fear,” she added.

Before going to sleep on Saturday night, Cooke reassured 33-year-old Hall.

“Whatever anyone says, whatever anyone does, it will only make us stronger,” he said. “Don’t bring fear into our village. I got you girl”.


Hall finished off her post by writing: “I love you so much, Denim”.

Last night in Positano. Best week ever. Thank you so much baby, I promise to love you and the boys forever and ever ????????????

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Hall’s followers were quick to comment, reassuring her and thanking her for her post.

“Wow. You give me hope. As a single mother to two children, I need and crave extraordinarily beautiful moments like this. Thank you for sharing,” one person wrote.

“Love love love that you found someone so chill who gets you, and your craziness. There’s nothing better or more comforting then knowing your man has your back 100% through anxiety and all,” added another.

“So happy you have found someone that holds you emotionally and physically. It’s a gift, which you and all queens deserve.”

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