
Constance Hall has told fans she is back with her husband after a turbulent 24 hours.

A turbulent 24 hours for mummy blogger Constance Hall have ended with happiness.

After being viciously trolled for calling out a Perth mum for dressing her son in blackface on Thursday evening and announcing she had left her husband Bill on Friday morning, things seem to be turning around for the 32-year-old.

“Bill and I are in a really shitty place, I packed my bags and the kids up yesterday and left,” Constance wrote in a heart-rending Facebook post to her 880,000 followers early on Friday morning.

“I don’t know if we will pull through this time, we just can’t stop fighting. My heart is literally stomped on.”

What followed was an outpouring of love from the mum-of-four’s fans, which Constance soon replied back to, saying the messages of positivity had “changed everything”.

Constance Hall reaches out to thank her fans. (Image: Facebook)

To her followers' delight, Constance soon posted to Facebook again on Friday evening to thank them for their unwavering support and to notify them that she and her husband have reunited.

"I can't thank you f--kers enough for everything you have done for me today," Constance began, sharing a photo of her kissing Bill's cheek.

"Your messages and posts have pulled me out of my slump and actually turned everything around."

"... And guess what? This guy is buying me dinner tonight while the kids are babysat. (I think he loves me again) well he better because I love him so much, I fall apart without you Bill."

After experiencing the most abuse in her life, which she says included "death threats", the wildly popular blogger has now assured her followers that "with you guys I feel strong".

"Thanks. I guess the secret is out that I'm not an invincible #nof--ks superhero. Even though I feel like one now, you never know what is around the corner," she wrote.


As an extra surprise, Bill also surprised her with a pair of "vintage cowboy boots" that Constance says she has "wanted for years".

"The boots helped me over the line," Bill commented on the post. "I did keep the receipt just in case it went pear shaped." (Image: Facebook)

To add to the great news, close friend Celeste Barber also set up a Go Fund Me page, which generated over $12,000 within a matter of hours.

Constance says every cent raised will be donated to Rafiki Mwema, a charity that seeks to support Kenyan boys and girls who have experienced sexual abuse.

"[This] means that we can take more children into care and we can better care for the ones that we have," she wrote.

This isn't the first time Constance has put her social media fame to good use - in March she catalysed a fundraising movement for Rafiki Mwema that resulted in over $200,000 of donations.

For now, Constance is looking forward to enjoying a quiet dinner with her husband.

"I am beyond over the moon. No real words to explain it, but I have learnt that reaching out is the fastest and most effective way to take away your pain.

"Thank you so much."

Video via TODAY Show

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