
This teacher has explained consent to children in the simplest way, and we love it.


Consent is really, really easy to understand.

It’s so easy, in fact, that one US teacher is teaching her third grade class all about it. And they get it.

Liz Kleinrock is a third grade teacher at Citizens of the World Charter School in Los Angeles. Prompted by Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the US Supreme Court, she wanted to teach her students about consent.

A chart she posted on Instagram gives a straightforward look at exactly what consent means. While we generally think of consent in the context of sex, it’s also applicable to everyday actions.

The chart shows various interactions where consent may be necessary, such as giving hugs and borrowing things, and the language people can use. Kleinrock notes that consent sounds “positive and enthusiastic” and also provides examples of what people can say if they don’t want to give consent.


She gave the lessons using scenarios that eight and nine year olds can understand, such as whether they want a high five in the morning or if they should touch someone to get their attention.

In additional Instagram posts, Kleinrock shared work from her students who were asked to write about why consent was important.


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More evidence that my 8-9 year old students are smarter and have more emotional intelligence than half of congress.

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She told Buzzfeed News that parents, caregivers and other teachers have reached out to her to find out more about the lessons and ask if she can pass them on.

Kleinrock hopes that by teaching her students this very important lesson now, they’ll be ready to talk about and understand sexual consent when they’re older.

“Way down the road, middle school, high school, can you really begin to learn consent within relationships if you can’t learn to keep your hands to yourself?” she said.

“I think it’s easy to understand – just as with anything else, it takes practice and consistency,” she said. “They’re still going to make mistakes, and these are learning opportunities.”

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