
The adorable thing successfully separated conjoined twins did after surgery.

Bhutanese twins Nima and Dawa are choosing to remain close together as they recover from delicate separation surgery.

The 15-month olds girls were reaching out for each other after surgeons successfully operated on them in Melbourne, a Children First Foundation spokeswoman said.

“They’ve been lying together in the same bed,” spokeswoman Julie Webber said on Monday afternoon, confirming the girls remained in a stable condition in hospital.

“The nurses placed them together … they were getting a bit restless.

“They were reaching out for each other, putting their legs across each other as they did when they were joined.”

Ms Webber said the girls were doing “extremely well”, clapping, tugging each other’s hair and eating solids.

Up to 25 surgeons, nurses and anaesthetists worked together during the six-hour procedure to split the girls’ connected livers and reconstruct their abdomens, closing over the area that was previously attached.

Mother Bhumchu Zangmo brought the girls Nima and Dawa to Australia in October and they are likely to spend at least a week in hospital before continuing their recovery at the Children First Foundation retreat at Kilmore.

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