
Congratulations! Ireland votes YES on same sex marriage.

The votes are in for Ireland’s same-sex marriage referendum.

After years of calling for a referendum on the nation’s same-sex marriage laws, Irish citizens were given the chance to vote, and they said YES.

“Marriage may be contracted in accordance with law by two persons without distinction as to their sex.”

Ireland is a country known for its strict Catholicism, and it only decriminalised homosexuality in 1993. Its citizens were asked to respond with a straight forward ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to the following statement:

“Marriage may be contracted in accordance with law by two persons without distinction as to their sex.”

The people of Ireland responded with a resounding yes, with a thumping 2:1 majority.

It is at times like this we become painfully aware of how behind Australia is when it comes to marriage equality – but hopefully Ireland’s decision will provide a wake up call to our own national leaders.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott is facing an increasing amount of pressure to grant a free Parliamentary vote on the issue, allowing Ministers to vote on the issue of marriage equality however they choose. As News Ltd reports, Australian Marriage Equality advocates believe that the Australian Parliament is only four votes away from a majority of members who support same-sex marriage.

If you’re interested in equality (and why wouldn’t you be?) check out these:

Powerful leader talks about equality. Encourages other leaders to to the same.

Tony Abbott’s sister is actively lobbying the PM on the new marriage equality bill.
“To attain gender equality, we need to focus on men.”

Anger after ambassador’s same-sex partner told NOT to greet the PM.



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