I’ve never considered myself to be any kind of book snob given I will read anything I can get my hands on: romance, mystery, classics, thriller, fantasy, memoir, even the odd cereal box here and there.
Thus I was a bit disturbed a couple years ago to discover a small prejudice when it came to choosing my next read – I had developed an aversion to blockbusters. If a book’s been read by 70 million people worldwide and translated into 30 different languages then oh no, it’s not good enough for me. No sirree, there’s no room for populist rubbish on my bookshelves!
Given I have no idea where this distaste comes from (other than a natural dislike for following the crowd) this appears to be the very worst kind of snobbery, the unjustified kind. Which is why I decided to tackle this ridiculous bias about a year ago.
First stop was Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code. In 2009 there were 80 million copies of this book scattered through the world so I can only imagine what that figure stands at now. A fast paced thriller it manages to weave fact and fiction so seamlessly you have no idea which is which. This makes for a compelling read and naturally I couldn’t put the bloody thing down once I started it. In fact I raced through the book so quickly I had to immediately re-read it to pick up everything I missed the first time. Blockbusters 1, Me 0.