
News: One of the greatest inventions of all time just got even better.


The condom is one of the greatest inventions of all time.

Think about it. It helps prevent unwanted pregnancies, and protects against the spread of sexually transmitted viruses.

And now, one of the greatest inventions of all time has just got better.

An Australian company has developed a revolutionary new condom that reportedly stop HIV being spread.


Amazing huh?

The condom will feature an anti-viral gel that attacks sexually transmitted infections such as HIV, genital herpes and human papillomavirus.

The lubricant was developed by Biotech firm Starpharma in the hopes of reducing the spread of STIs. Currently, more than 1 in 10 Australian’s carry the virus for genital herpes; 80 per cent of people will be infected with at least one type of genital HPV at some point; and new HIV diagnoses for HIV in Australia increased 10 per cent from 2011 to 2012.

Laboratory tests have reportedly shown the VivaGel capable of inactivating up to 99.9 per cent of those three STIs.

SBS reports

Ansell president and general manager of the sexual wellness global business unit, Peter Carroll, called the new condoms a “ground-breaking new sexual health” development.

The Daily Mail reports Carroll said, “Ansell looks forward to rolling out its marketing and sales campaign to support the launch of LifeStyles Dual Protect over the coming months with the first product expected to be available on shelves soon.”

Previously, Starpharma received approval from the Japanese authorities to licence VivaGel to Japan’s leading condom manufacturer, and the US Food and Drug Administration has given the company the go ahead to carry out a clinical trial of VivaGel against bacterial vaginosis.

Condoms alone are already highly – although not wholly — effective at preventing the spread of STIs. The fact that a thin piece of latex can accomplish such a feat, is pretty impressive. And with this new anti-viral lubricant, they just got even better.

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