Maybe one of the hardest things to deal with when your child starts school is that you end up back in the schoolyard yourself.
As a working mother – and one that doesn’t get to school drop off or pick up as regularly as she’d like – I often find myself without too many familiar faces to align myself with in the quadrangle.
I’m now at that point in my life where I have enough friends and enough confidence, that I don’t need to be liked by strangers in a schoolyard. But there was a time, when I was a new school mum, that I so desperately wanted to be.
I’m lucky enough to be able to pick up my son two afternoons a week from school. He loves this. I love this too. But I still find myself, after more than nine years as a school parent, able to spot the different kind of “School Mums” out there.
Firstly, for the uninitiated, you need to know that this is not unlike high school. You will find your tribe, the ones your find common ground with; the ones you like. But there will also be the ones that you need to avoid.
If you thought you were done with cliques in high school, I’m sorry to inform you that you’re sadly mistaken. You are about to encounter the following six kinds of Mums:
1. The Mumzilla
Mumzillas usually roam in packs but always have a distinct leader. She will be the one that organises where coffee will take place directly after the bell has sounded and she is the one that decides who is allowed to join in their group. Generally Mumzillas judge every single other mother based on looks/wealth and the car that they drive. They operate with a pack mentality and are pretty much just adult Mean Girls.