real life

How a community saved the 6th birthday party of a boy with autism.

This will get you right in the ticker.

When not a single child turned up to Glenn Buratti’s sixth birthday party, he and his parents were devastated.

Glenn’s parents Ashlee and John Buratti, of Florida, had invited all 16 of his classmates to the party. They didn’t receive any RSVPs, but Glenn’s mum thought that some kids would still turn up to celebrate her son’s birthday.

When not a single person showed-up, a heartbroken Ms Buratti shared the problem with the Osceola Rants Raves and Reviews List Facebook page.

She posted:

I just wanted to vent to other parents who maybe had been through the same thing…I know this might be something silly to rant about, but my heart is breaking for my son. We invited his whole class (16 kids) over for his 6th birthday party today. Not one kid came.

And the response was overwhelming.

The local community stepped in to save the day, and make sure Glenn, who has epilepsy and autism, had the ultimate birthday celebration.

The local fire department showed up…Image via Facebook.

Around 15 kids and 25 adults (who were total strangers) came along to the party to share cake and games with Glenn and bring him gifts, including a new bike.

Related: 5-year old boy has been given an invoice for a no show at a school mate’s birthday party.

And several days later, members of the local fire department and Sherriff’s office also paid Glenn a visit, wishing him happy birthday, bringing him presents and giving him a tour of their emergency vehicles.

And so did complete strangers, who also brought presents. Image via Facebook.

They even organised for a rescue helicopter to fly past his house and for the pilot to wave to Glenn.

Related: 6 ways to tell if your kid is struggling at school.

Ms Buratti said she had been touched by the community’s response.

She told the Osceola News-Gazette and Fox 35-Orlando:

From the minute he woke up that day he wanted to know how many minutes until his friends came…It’s probably one of the biggest hurts you can have, to see how let down your child is when nobody shows up for them.

Just one Facebook post and it took off with people helping us. It was amazing. His face lit up, his eyes got real big and he just smiled the whole time. And to think, all this happened because nobody showed up to his birthday. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Glenn’s birthday was saved. Image via Facebook.

Excuse us, while we shed a little happy tear.

What would you do if no one turned up to your child’s birthday party?

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