Being from Melbourne, I have been drinking coffee since I could mix it with my mother’s breast milk. This is no shred of a lie.
I love it. I look forward to it every day. I get fond withdrawal-shakes when I don’t have it. I crave its goodness from dawn until dusk.
And since I started drinking this wonderful swirly brown caffeinated substance, I have stuck with ol’ faithful: The Cappuccino.
The cappuccino has everything. Caffeine? Check. Frothy goodness? Check. Chocolate? Check.
I stopped looking once I discovered it. I didn’t need to anymore because I had found The One. My search was over; my morning beverage consumption life was complete.
But recently, I’ve noticed that my choice of coffee has been called into question. I have caught more than the odd smug smile and raised eyebrow. I have even had people baristas confirming that I want “just a cappuccino”, as if it is somehow an unusual thing to ask for in a CAFE.
The baristas are coffee shaming me, you guys.
And I’m not happy about it.
Now, when I enter a cafe, my head is bowed as I order my cappuccino. I mumble my order and timidly look up to see the hipster barista narrow their eyes at what I have said. I am damaging the integrity of the drink, I am insulting the illustrious nature of their artistic coffee making endeavours, I am endangering the flavour.