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PSA: We have some terrible news about your beloved coconut oil.

Brace yourself guys, we have some bad news.

Put the coconut oil down, now.

It turns out coconut oil is not that good for you. In fact, it could be doing more harm than good.

The American Heart Association just released an extensive study on fats and how they impact on cardiovascular health – and your beloved coconut oil did not fair well.

coconut oil
Coconut oil contains 82% saturated fat. Image via iStock.

According to the AHA, coconut oil contains 82% saturated fat, which is a staggering amount of saturated fat when you compare it to olive oil (14%) and sunflower oil (10%).


In fact, the AHA says coconut oil puts people at risk of cardiovascular disease and they now advise against using it.

“Several studies found that coconut oil — which is predominantly saturated fat and widely touted as healthy — raised LDL cholesterol the same way as other saturated fats found in butter, beef fat and palm oil,” the AHA wrote in the study.

While it was originally reported that coconut oil raised HDL cholesterol (the good stuff) and lowered LDL cholesterol (the bad stuff), the AHA now says that's not the case and we should be really concerned about coconut oil's impact on LDL cholesterol - as it can lead to cardiovascular disease.

According to the AHA, we've been tricked into believing coconut oil is a healthy alternative because of clever marketing campaigns, and erm, the thousands of 'health gurus' on Instagram who bloody love the stuff.

"A recent survey reported that 72 percent of the American public rated coconut oil as a 'healthy food' compared with 37 percent of nutritionists," states the AHA review.

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"This disconnect between lay and expert opinion can be attributed to the marketing of coconut oil in the popular press."

The good news is you can still use the oil of the coconuts gods for many other purposes. Like as a hair treatment, a makeup remover or a nifty little personal lubricant.

Slather it on, people, slather it on.

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