
Model Coco Rocha's brilliant response to bottle feeding shamers.

If you’ve got kids, you probably know just how judgmental complete strangers can be when it comes to your parenting choices.

And now, model Coco Rocha knows that judgement too.

Earlier this week, the 27-year-old uploaded a thoughtful Instagram post thanking the GoButler app for delivering formula for her six-month-old daughter, Ioni, during a holiday in Hawaii.

The post that started it all. Image via Instagram.

And it didn’t take long for the breastfeeding shamers to strike. Soon, the young mum was being inundated with criticism for feeding her daughter formula as well as unwanted advice on the benefits of breastfeeding.

But while many of her followers were quick to defend Rocha, she decided to respond to the haters herself.

And her response? Brilliant.

Coco Rocha and her daughter Ioni. Image via Instagram.

She uploaded a second  (completely adorable)  photo of Ioni happily drinking formula with a caption explaining that she had breastfed her daughter until her milk went dry.

She finished up by simply saying she would block any negative commenter, because “this is not a democracy”.

Here is what she had to say:

Getting a lot of unwanted advice based on my last post. Not that this is anyone's business - I loved breastfeeding Ioni for the first five months of her life and then one day my milk went dry. It happens to every mum at different times. She's been on formula for a few weeks now and seems to be doing just fine. In the last 4 weeks she gained another kilogram, grew another 2.5 centimetres and is in the 90th percentile for her age. Anyone who has a negative comment to make on the way I raise my baby will be blocked. This is not a democracy, everyone doesn't get a say.

And we’re sure any mum who has ever copped unwanted criticism over their parenting decisions will salute her.

Have you ever been shamed for your breastfeeding choices?

TAP on the image below and scroll through the gallery for some more gorgeous shots from Coco's Instagram account...

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