
Are you cliterate? Because you should be.





Are you Cliterate?

That’s what US artist Sophia Wallace is asking pretty much anyone who’ll listen. Wallace has created an exhibition called ‘Cliteracy’, designed to open up discussion about the only human organ that exists purely for pleasure.

For example, did you know that the full anatomy of the clitoris wasn’t scientifically discovered until 1998? Seriously. Or that the clitoris is like an iceberg, and can be up to 9 centimetres long under the surface? Yeah – that’s longer than a lot of penises. CLIT POWER!

And for those about to click away in case things get a bit graphic, DO NOT PANIC, there’s no full-frontal pictures of (shock horror!) lady-parts.

Using only facts and text (as well as a giant golden clit that can be ridden like a rodeo horse, because obviously), Wallace has displayed her work in an exhibition that includes a series of prints, street art, clothing.

When explaining the motivation behind Cliteracy, Wallace said:

Artist Sophia Wallace

What I want people to get from my art, from cliteracy, is to talk about the clit! Think about the clit. To treat the clit on equal terms with the penis.

All the language that we have in English in terms of profanity, goes back to female genitals or the idea of what happens to them.

There’s this idea that being on the receiving side of penetration is this shameful act – that there’s something done to your body that makes you less and less worthy.

We need more language and we need to get outside of this frame and we definitely need to stop attacking and thinking that the only way to talk about the female body is to destroy it.

You can watch more of the interview with Wallace here:

Wallace’s Clit Tumblr went viral within a few days, which just proves that there are a LOT of people out there who want to understand more about the clitoris. Wallace is making cliteracy cool, and women the world over should thank her for it.

Take a look at some of the fascinating and awesome facts from Cliteracy, and GET CLITERATE.

All images from Sophia Wallace

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