
The moment a student perfectly summarised how so many Australians feel about climate change.


Last Friday thousands of students from around the country took time off school to protest the Australian Government’s inaction on climate change.

Just days later, politicians have once again been questioned on the issue – this time by an articulate young Melbourne teenager called Marco on the ABC’s Q&A.

Marco helped get this school involved in the Strike 4 Climate Action protest and questioned the panel about the government’s lack of action.


I’m greatly concerned about my future and the future of children all around the world who will suffer the consequences of climate change more than anyone else,” he said.

“When will the government start to care about my future and the children around the world by acting on climate change and creating a strong climate policy?”

Before the protest, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said he wanted “more learning in schools and less activism in schools.”

Side note: Holly Wainwright and Andrew Daddo spoke to a 15-year-old girl organising the school walk out for climate change. Post continues below audio.

In response to Marco’s question, musician and activist Billy Bragg said young people’s voices should be counted: “It’s their future we’re talking about, of course they should be able to take a stand”.

Former South Australian Liberal senator Amanda Vanstone said she was sad to hear Marco’s perspective.

“It makes me sad to hear a young person say ‘people don’t care about my future’,” she said.

“Both the major parties have got policies. They disagree about them, but both of the major parties have policies. Emissions are coming down, some people want them faster, but to just give the impression to young people that nobody cares I think is a bad thing.”

Marco responded to Vanstone to say he was disappointed by the way successive governments had acted on climate change.

“I feel very saddened to see the political inaction on climate change,” he said.


“I don’t believe [politicians care about young people] because I see the Liberal Party still wanting to build new coal when we should clearly be transitioning to renewable energy to help save lives.

“Climate change is killing people, it’s causing so many natural disasters, we need to transition and if you’re supporting the fossil fuel industry then you don’t truly care about the future generations.”

Viewers took to Twitter to praise Marco for his strong and articulate question and answers.








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