
Behold: The smartest pregnancy announcement of the week.

Ever since Beyonce threw on a veil and some fancy lingerie and kneeled on a flower mound, the bar for pregnancy announcements has been lifted to satellite-level heights.

And while some people are still content to go with the ultrasound image (no judgement, it’s a classic for a reason) others decide to have a bit of fun with their baby news.

Like Monique Bowley – who you’ll likely remember as the former host of Mamamia Out Loud and all round kickarse woman of kickarsery. She’s now the executive producer of podcasts over at the ABC, and decided to announce she and her husband Nik are expecting with a little nod to the ’90s.


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In case you need that broken down (because God knows it took some Mamamia staffers longer than we’d like to get it) that’s Vanilla + Ice + Ice + Baby. As in the catchy song Ice, Ice Baby from American rapper Vanilla Ice.

Those of us who have worked with, loved and listened to Monique were overjoyed to hear this happy, happy news. Particularly because we know it comes after an incredibly tough time Monz experienced last year when she lost a baby at 10 weeks gestation, around this time last year.

Monique bravely talked about it in a special episode of the podcast and wrote about the utterly awful things that come with a miscarriage:

But now is a time for celebration and congratulations and picking out prams. So we had a chat to our old friend Monz to find out how she’s feeling and where she gets her inspiration from.

Sooo….where did you get the idea for your pregnancy announcement?

I wish I’d thought of it first! It’s not original but I think it’s one of the best; the idea made me laugh out loud. I’m a child of the ’90s, I couldn’t help myself.

Were there other ideas you considered first before you came up with this one?

I considered not announcing it at all, and just posting a picture once I had the baby, saying “oh so, I made a baby” but there is TOO MUCH crazy, mysterious, and hilarious stuff happening to my body right now that I don’t think I could hide it much longer.


After Beyonce (and Zoe Foster Blake) lifted the pregnancy announcement bar, did you feel like there was pressure to make this announcement funny and clever?

Nah, no one will ever eclipse Zoe. I bow down. Sometimes I go back to that post and re-live the moment again. I think it’s the funniest thing I’ve ever seen on the internet, and I’ve watched a LOT of cat videos.

You’re 16 weeks along, right? When are you due?

Yep! October :)

What does it feel like to be pregnant?

Remember the worst hangover of your life? The kind where you shake so hard you can’t stand up so you just shower on your hands and knees and vomit into the drain? Imagine that hangover got married to glandular fever, and that’s what it feels like. Except you can’t eat your way out of it because everything tastes like metal. Pregnancy glow? Hell no. Also, the body hair growth is extraordinary. I’m like a very tired she-wolf.

What was that first trimester like? 

I have been very different this pregnancy; very low key. No crazy maternity clothes shopping, no downloading of apps. I’m still reserving my excitement a bit. I have an amazing obstetrician, Dr Joe Sgroi who has been looking after me incredibly well, but every time I go for a scan I wait for him to tell me something is wrong. I think at almost every one I say “is there still a heartbeat?” like some heartbeat lunatic.


And so much of me was worried about announcing it on social media because I keep thinking about all the women who are struggling with fertility. I remember how I felt after I miscarried, it felt like the whole world was pregnant, and those announcements always stung a little.

I have a friend who is going through a horrible time and before I announced it I had to say to her, ‘I’m sorry to tell you, and it’s ok if you hate me, I get it’. So to anyone reading this now; I get it. I’ve been there girlfriend. And I’m sorry.

And now?

I’m still reserving the excitement. I let myself buy one maternity dress with the vague hope of looking like Bec Judd. Spoiler: that will not happen, ever.

How did you and your husband know you were both ready to try again after your miscarriage?

That’s such a great question. So many people say “get back on the horse!” but for me, it wasn’t that easy. Firstly I don’t have a horse. And secondly, you have to be gentle on yourself and wait until you’re ready. My husband is the actual best and we just talked about it a lot, took some deep breaths, put some Barry White on, and hoped for the best.

Congratulations Monz! All of us at Mamamia are so happy for you.

Thanks babe!

For more from Monz, follow her on Instagram.

If you, or someone you know is struggling with pregnancy loss or depression, contact PANDA on 1300 726 306.

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