
Everything you thought you knew about vaginal wash is wrong.

I think it’s strange that we still find it taboo to talk about vaginas.

Sure, we talk about them in a sex sense all the time, but in a health sense, we don’t.

Why not? Half of us have one. We all want to look after it. After all, it’s kind of an important body part.

It’s time we changed this taboo, and I think we need to start the conversation by talking about how to keep our vaginas healthy.

Our vaginas and vulvas are an incredibly important part of us as women and as mothers, and we need to look after them.

We buy special cleansers for our face, special scrubs for our feet and special creams for our legs, so why not buy specialised products for our vaginas?

Whether you’re planning on having a baby, are pregnant or have had children, keeping your vagina healthy and balanced should be one of your top priorities. To do that you should start using products designed especially for this part of your body, such as Verona Sensitive, formulated especially for women with sensitive skin and allergies and which is perfect for pregnant women.

When it comes to vaginal wash you’ve probably heard a few myths going around though.

Myths like:

1. You don’t need to wash regularly.

Not only do you need to wash your vulva regularly (NOT the inside of the vagina, though) but you need to wash it with the correct products. Verona Sensitive is extra-gentle and recommended for daily use.

2. The pH level of your vagina doesn’t matter.

Yes it does. Your vagina requires a low pH level in order to be healthy. The vagina needs to keep acidic in order to maintain the proper balance of good and bad bacteria. Verona products help maintain the pH level while simultaneously gently cleansing and refreshing your intimate area.


3. Soap is fine to wash your vagina with.

I bet you don’t wash your face with soap, do you? Why do you think it would be okay to wash your intimate area with soap then? Vaginal washes are specifically formulated to benefit you and your vagina, just like face cleansers are specifically formulated for your face.

4. Any intimate wash is fine to use.

While using a vaginal wash is a good first step there is a wide range of vaginal washes you can select from. If you have oily skin you wouldn’t pick a cleanser for dry skin, and picking a vaginal wash is exactly the same. Verona Sensitive is perfect for women with sensitive skin, perfume allergies, pregnant women.

5. The vagina is self-cleaning, so you don’t need a wash.

You should never clean the actual INSIDE of the vagina – but the vulva does require regular cleaning. Our hormones, pregnancy, sex drive, exercise and tight or synthetic underwear can all affect the pH balance and health down there. An intimate wash can help to keep the area clean and healthy with a simple wash daily in the shower.

6. I need a heavily scented wash to hide some feminine odours.

Verona Sensitive has no perfumes and no soap and is perfectly safe and beneficial to your vagina. Remember, if you have a heavily scented wash, all those extra additives are bad news, not to mention unnecessary. Good feminine washes are designed to help our vaginas, not hinder them.

Do you know of any other health myths that need to be busted?

Now you know how to clean your vagina, click through to see how to clean other (non vagina-related items) properly.


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