The government is considering raising the price of a packet of cigarettes to $40 in the next budget. In this day and age where the cost of everything from housing, to alcohol and groceries is going up… who cares?
Cue the usual hullabaloo and outrage from the social smokers, office workers, and strangely, Tony Abbott, who has called the policy a “workers tax”.
On the other side are the health professionals who say the cost to the hospital system is huge and that any policy to curb smoking should be implemented.
But what about those of us in the grey spaces? Those of us who are not black and white? Us “social smokers” who after a few drinks like to duck out in the dark to grab a breath of fresh air… and a durry?
Bumming a smoke 10 years ago used to be the accepted social practice. You develop a camaraderie between what I fondly called the “smokers’ coalition.” A nice quick chat, a friendly light and a thankful pat on the back was all that was needed.