
In October 2020, Chrissy Teigen lost her son, Jack. Her miscarriage was actually a life-saving abortion.

Chrissy Teigen has shared new details about the loss of her son Jack.

Speaking at the Propper Daley's 'A Day of Unreasonable Conversation' summit on Thursday, Teigen, 36, opened up about her 2020 miscarriage, and explained how it was actually an abortion.

"Two years ago, when I was pregnant with Jack, I had to make a lot of difficult and heartbreaking decisions. It became very clear around halfway through that he would not survive, and that I wouldn’t either without any medical intervention," Teigen said per Entertainment Tonight.

In the past, when speaking about losing her son, the cookbook author labelled it a pregnancy loss, though at Thursday's event she clarified that only recently she realised it was a life-saving abortion.

"Let’s just call it what it was: it was an abortion," she said. "An abortion to save my life for a baby that had absolutely no chance. And to be honest, I never, ever put that together until, actually, a few months ago."

Teigen explained that it was her husband, John Legend, who first acknowledged what had happened following the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade earlier this year.

"I fell silent, feeling weird that I hadn’t made sense of it that way," Teigen recalled. 

"I told the world we had a miscarriage, the world agreed we had a miscarriage, all the headlines said it was a miscarriage. And I became really frustrated that I didn’t, in the first place, say what it was, and I felt silly that it had taken me over a year to actually understand that we had had an abortion."

Teigen and Legend, 43, who share daughter Luna, six, and son Miles, four, are currently expecting another baby.


They announced the news in August 2022, with Teigen posting various photos on Instagram, showing her growing bump.

"The last few years have been a blur of emotions to say the least, but joy has filled our home and hearts again," she wrote.

"[One] billion shots later (in the leg lately, as u can see!) we have another on the way. Every appointment I've said to myself, 'Okay, if it's healthy today I'll announce' but then I breathe a sigh of relief to hear a heartbeat and decide I'm just too nervous still. 


"I don't think I'll ever walk out of an appointment with more excitement than nerves but so far, everything is perfect and beautiful and I'm feeling hopeful and amazing."

Legend reposted her photos, captioning it with five hearts.

Teigen has frequently shared her journey with IVF over the past few months, after mourning the loss of Jack, who passed away at 20 weeks in October, 2020.

She wrote in an Instagram post at the time that they were "shocked and in the kind of deep pain you only hear about, the kind of pain we've never felt before."

"We were never able to stop the bleeding and give our baby the fluids he needed, despite bags and bags of blood transfusions. It just wasn’t enough.

"Jack worked so hard to be a part of our little family, and he will be, forever."


About 18 months later, in February 2022, Teigen said she and Legend were hoping to add to their family again.

On her Instagram Story, the 36-year-old uploaded a photo of various needles and vials, alongside an animated image of an egg and a frustrated uterus. 

"Here we go again," she captioned it.

Image: Instagram/@chrissyteigen.


The following day, Teigen confirmed she is going through another round of IVF.

"I wanted to let you guys know I'm balls deep in another IVF cycle to save as many eggos as I possibly can and hopefully make some strong, healthy embryos," she wrote.

"I honestly don't mind the shots... they make me feel like a doctor/chemist... but the bloating is a b*tch."

In a March 2022 interview with People, Legend shared why it's important for them to be open about the difficulties they've faced trying to add to their family.

"There are a lot of women and families that have fertility struggles, and I think no one should feel ashamed of needing some help sometimes," he said. 

"And I think Chrissy's done a good job of de-stigmatising some of these things that so many people go through in silence.

"Whether it's IVF, or other fertility struggles, whether it's losing a pregnancy, I think both of us have felt like it's good for us to share this with other people because other people are going through it too, we don't think they should suffer in silence without knowing there are other people out there who are feeling the same thing."

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Feature image: Getty/Instagram/@chrissyteigen

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