
Why Chrissie Swan will never get all her happiness from work.

Image: Getty.

By anyone’s definition, Chrissie Swan is a successful woman.

Since rising to fame on Big Brother in 2003, the 42-year-old has gone on to host a number of popular TV and radio shows. Thanks to her warmth, wit and humour she’s also garnered a following of loyal fans.

However, the Melbourne-based media personality insists she’s now reached the point where she doesn’t derive her happiness from her career, but from her home life.

“I think you’ve got to be disappointed in work a few times to get to that place,” she explains in an interview with Sunday Style.

“This industry is pretty volatile; your contract can not be renewed and someone else can take your job, and that’s happened to me. When that occurs, you do feel disappointed and nervous about how you’re going to make a living.”

Watch: Aussie celebrities share their secret talents. (Post continues after video.)

Like many people, Swan has endured her share of professional setbacks — though unlike the rest of us, hers tend to make headlines. Fans might recall that in late 2014, the mum of three was “let go” from Mix FM’s breakfast show after three years co-hosting with Jane Hall.

At the time, Swan told that leaving wasn’t her choice, explaining: “It’s very rare to leave on your own volition because it’s like cutting your arm off. You can’t imagine missing out on all that fun.”


The level of uncertainty that comes with working in the media has taught Swan an important lesson about where she draws her happiness.

“It makes you think, ‘If work isn’t constant, then what is?’ And every time, it’s been what goes on under my roof – my three kids and my family. That’s unchanging,” she tells Sunday Style.

“Who I am is a mum and partner, and then what I do is work on radio and the odd TV show.”



Swan previously touched on this topic in an interview with the Sydney Morning Herald, in which she added that career isn’t her source of self-esteem, either.

“I love to work and I will always work and I just can’t believe how much fun I have on some jobs. But that’s not my real life and that’s not where I get my self esteem from, who I am. I don’t get that from work,” she said.

“I get that from home, which is constant. They can’t fire me. My contract cannot be unrenewed. Any of that turbulent, tumultuous stuff, I can deal with that, because home is rock solid.”

Although Swan has a legion of fans, being a household name has also come with some negative attention; namely, the public’s preoccupation with (and criticism of) her weight.

When asked why people are so concerned with her appearance, she admits she doesn’t know the answer. (Post continues after gallery.)

“Maybe because there aren’t many fat people on television? Or if we do see fat people, they’re saying they’re not good enough or they’re trying to change who they are and I’m not doing that,” Swan tells Sunday Style.

Just as she doesn’t derive happiness from her career, Swan doesn’t index her self-belief to what she sees in the mirror.

“I certainly do not judge myself by what I look like. I don’t think any of us should,” she says.

“I think the general rule of thumb is that you’ve got a lot more to offer the world than what your body looks like.”

What’s your greatest source of happiness?

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