
Out of the destruction of the Manchester attack, a mother has found her homeless son.

As Manchester comes to terms with the horrific terror attack that rocked the English city to its core, a hero has emerged, and now years after becoming estranged, his mum is reaching out for help.

Seconds after the bomb went off at the Manchester Arena on Monday night, 33-year-old homeless man Chris Parker rushed to help a badly injured little girl and fatally injured woman in need of assistance.

“Everyone was piling out, all happy and everything else,” Parker, who had been standing inside the arena as the doors opened, told The Guardian. “As people were coming out of the glass doors I heard a bang and within a split second I saw a white flash, then smoke and then I heard screaming.”

chris parker manchester
Chris Parker, the homeless Manchester man who helped victims after Monday's bombing. Source: GoFundMe.

Initially, Parker says he was knocked to the floor but within seconds instinct kicked in and he ran to help a little girl whose legs had been blown off.

“I wrapped her in one of the merchandise T-shirts and I said ‘Where is your mum and daddy?’" Parker said.


After helping the little girl, Parker then moved onto a woman who had serious head and leg injuries, who later died in his arms.

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"She was in her 60s and said she had been with her family," Parker told reporters fighting back tears.

As the story of Parker's heroism made its way around the world, Jessica Parker suddenly realised the young man on the television was her estranged son, who she has not seen or spoken to in many years.

Posting a message to Facebook after spotting Chris, Jessica wrote, “This is my son who has been estranged from me for a long while. I had no idea he was homeless but he was extremely brave last night. Please get in touch with me Chris Parker.”

Jessica added, "No matter what the past, he has done so well and I am very proud of him."

During an interview with Norwich Evening News, Jessica said helping the victims was "exactly the sort of thing" Chris would do, adding, “He wouldn’t think twice about helping those poor people."

“I’m extremely proud of him and I just feel like I need to get in contact. He was knocked down in the blast and he so easily could have died — I realised that if that had happened I might have never known about it, which has really upset me the most,” Jessica continued.
Chris' mother, Jessica Parker, who is now wanting to reconnect with her son. Source: Facebook.

In addition to Jessica now searching for her son, a GoFundMe campaign has been set up by a stranger who wants to help Chris - who has been sleeping rough for a year - get back on his feet.

Close to $40,000 has been raised since the page was created page 24 hours ago.

"Homelessness in this country is a widespread tragedy but it is absolutely unacceptable that someone who can react so heroically in such a terrifying situation should be on the streets. Hopefully this campaign will go some way to helping Chris off the streets and also show are gratitude for his actions," the campaign's creator Michael Johns wrote.

If you'd like to support the victims of the attack and their families, you can donate to the Manchester attack victims fund hereDonate to Chris Parker's GoFundMe campaign here

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