
"You can't say that..." The Project question that frustrated Chris Hemsworth.

*Disclaimer: If you like Thor, and want to actually see the newest movie, steer clear of this one. May contain spoilers.

On Monday night, the news cycle was a little distracted by the news of Lisa Wilkinson’s decisive stance for pay parity and her subsequent decision to quit The Today Show.

While the news headlines discussed equal pay, the politics of breakfast television and the value of one Lisa Wilkinson, The Project breathed a little sigh of relief, reasoning their Monday night gaffe would evade the news cycle.

Until, of course, we all caught up. So let’s catch you up to speed.

On Monday, Chris Hemsworth and Mark Ruffalo graced the desk of The Project to promote their new film, Thor: Ragnarok.

Tommy Little decided to jump in with an innocent enough question.

“I did need to ask. Obviously it’s a star-studded cast, our very own, the gorgeous Cate Blanchett plays your sister Chris,” he began.

“And for a lot of this movie your sister, she’s trying to kill you ...”

“You can’t say ... you can’t give that away,” Hemsworth interjected, palms slapping the desk.

“It’s not live?" he went on. "We can rewind?”

It was live, and no you can't, but surely that's okay.

Who watches Thor anyway?

And to think Channel 10 and Tommy Little thought they got away with that one.

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